Quotes of Hafe - somelinesforyou

“ "The "haves" and "have nots" can be traced back to the "dids" and "did nots.". ”

- Anthony Klco

“ Nowadays people can be divided into three classes — the haves the have-nots and the have-not-paid-for-what-they-haves. ”

- Earl Wilson

“ The big problem is not the haves and the have-nots — it's the give-nots. ”

- Arnold H. Glasow

“ We always hear about the haves and the have-nots. Why don't we hear about the doers and the do-nots. ”

- Thomas Sewell

“ There are only two families in the world, my old grandmother used to say, the Haves and the Have-nots. ”

- Miguel de Cervantes
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