Quotes of Gymnastics - somelinesforyou

“ We had to get up at 6 a.m. and never had a problem. She was doing ballet and gymnastics, then dropped gymnastics. ”

- Angela Davis

“ I got a gymnastics scholarship to college, fell in love with my true love of my whole life - who I'm married to now - and he was a virgin too. It was very romantic. ”

- Victoria Jackson

“ I was in yoga the other day. I was in full lotus position. My chakras were all aligned. My mind is cleared of all clatter and I'm looking out of my third eye and everything that I'm supposed to be doing. It's amazing what comes up, when you sit in that silence… ”

- Ellen DeGeneres

“ Sports should always be fun. ”

- Charles Mann

“ Tell me how many beads there are In a silver chain Of evening rain, Unravelled from the tumbling main, And threading the eye of a yellow star: - So many times do I love again. ”

- Thomas Lovell Beddoes

“ You go back to the gym and you just do it again and again until you get it right. ”

- Arnold Schwarzenegger

“ But let me do I will show the world what gymnastics looks like. Well may be this is a future gymnastics. ”

- Olga Korbut

“ Finally I almost dropped gymnastics because I couldn't live without create, and you know, and then, all public in the world start to say, we don't want to see gymnastics without OLGA. ”

- Olga Korbut

“ I obviously need to get to the gym. ”

- Tony Blair

“ We do what we have to do so we can do what we want to do. ”

- Denzel Washington
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