Quotes of Fuck - somelinesforyou

“ The passion between the sexes has appeared in every age to be so nearly the same, that it may always be considered, in algebraic language as a given quantity. ”

- Thomas Robert Malthus

“ Nah, I've done sex scenes before, you know, like in video. ”

- David Cronenberg

“ Take away the right to say "fuck" and you take away the right to say "fuck the government.". ”

- Lenny Bruce

“ The world's greatest heroes are the world's greatest fuck-ups. ”

- Stacy Shaw

“ There is nothing safe about sex. There never will be. ”

- Norman Mailer

“ Either sex alone is half itself. ”

- Lord Alfred Tennyson

“ Either sex alone is half itself. ”

- Alfred Tennyson

“ Sex is hardly ever just about sex. ”

- Shirley MacLaine

“ Sex between a man and a woman can be absolutely wonderful - provided you get between the right man and the right woman. ”

- Woody Allen

“ The reason that husbands and wives do not understand each other is because they belong to different sexes. ”

- Dorothy Dix
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