Quotes of Fruitless - somelinesforyou

“ The tear of sympathy never falls in vain; it waters and fertilizes the soil of the most sterile heart and causes it to flourish with the beautiful flowers of gratitude and love. ”

- Eliza Cook

“ Just as a flower which seems beautiful and has color but no perfume, so are the fruitless words of the man who speaks them but does them not. ”

- John Dewey

“ Because just as arms have no force outside if there is no counsel within a house, study is vain and counsel useless that is not put to virtuous effect when the time calls. ”

- Francois Rabelais

“ Power without principle is barren, but principle without power is futile. This is a party of government, and I will lead it as a party of government. ”

- Tony Blair

“ It is vain to do with more what can be done with less. ”

- William of Occam

“ Not all who seem to fail have failed indeed. Not all who fail have therefore worked in vain. There is no failure for the good and brave. ”

- Archbishop Trench

“ And weep the more, because I weep in vain. ”

- Thomas Gray

“ Nonvoting is a fruitless temper tantrum. ”

- Bruce Wright

“ Efforts to come up with a name resulting in a baseball acronym like RBI or something similar proved fruitless. Consequently, we became the Society for American Baseball Research. ”

- Leonard Robert Davids

“ The prayer that is faithless is fruitless. ”

- Thomas J. Watson

“ Prayer for worldly goods is worse than fruitless, but prayer for strength of soul is that passion of the soul which catches the gift it seeks. ”

- George Meredith

“ It was completely fruitless to quarrel with the world, whereas the quarrel with oneself was occasionally fruitful and always, she had to admit, interesting. ”

- May Sarton

“ Dreams grow holy put in action; work grows fair through starry dreaming. But where each flows on unmingling, both are fruitless and in vain. ”

- Adelaide Proctor

“ Nobody knows what the cause is, though some pretend they do; it like some hidden assassin waiting to strike at you. Childless women get it, and men when they retire; it as if there had to be some outlet for their foiled creative fire. ”

- W. H. Auden

“ Worry not about the possible troubles of the future; for if they come, you are but anticipating and adding to their weight; and if they do not come, your worry is useless; and in either case it is weak and in vain, and a distrust of God's providence. ”

- Hugh Blair
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