Quotes of Founding - somelinesforyou

“ In the infancy of societies, the chiefs of state shape its institutions; later the institutions shape the chiefs of state. ”

- Charles de Montesquieu

“ Whitney wanted to eradicate the idea that in the case of a language we are dealing with a natural faculty; in fact, social institutions stand opposed to natural institutions. ”

- Ferdinand De Saussure

“ France will insist on the need for updated and responsive institutions. ”

- Jacques Chirac

“ Libraries are the one American institution you shouldn't rip off. ”

- Barbara Kingsolver

“ Marriage is an institution, but who wants to live in an institution? ”

- Unknown

“ Marriage is an institution, but who wants to live in an institution? ”

- Unknown

“ The safety and happiness of society are the objects at which all political institutions aim, and to which all such institutions must be sacrificed. ”

- James Madison

“ The founding document of the United States of America acknowledges the Lordship of Jesus Christ because we are a Christian nation. ”

- Pat Robertson

“ Can you imagine the Founding Fathers saying that the major source of authority in your life can make you drop your pants and urinate as a condition of getting or keeping a job? ”

- Gene Guerrero

“ Government is necessary for our survival. We need government in order to survive. The Founding Fathers created a special place for government. It is called the Constitution. ”

- Michael Badnarik

“ Don't tire yourself more than need be, even at the price of founding a culture on the fatigue of your bones. ”

- Antonin Artaud

“ What's breaking into a bank compared with founding a bank? ”

- Bertolt Brecht

“ We grew up founding our dreams on the infinite promise of American advertising. I still believe that one can learn to play the piano by mail and that mud will give you a perfect complexion. ”

- Zelda Fitzgerald

“ What is the robbing of a bank compared to the founding of a bank? ”

- Bertolt Brecht

“ LA needs the cleansing of a great disaster or founding of a barricaded commune. ”

- Peter Plagens

“ A friend of mine who was a founding father of the Church of Satan, who later I compared notes with, said when he was a kid, he too managed to get into Sally's Nude Ranch, and in the corral he saw his Sunday school teacher!!! That was a real epiphany for him… ”

- Anton LaVey

“ For me, the concept of design is more than object-oriented; it encompasses the design of processes, systems and institutions as well. Increasingly, we need to think about designing the types of institutions we need to get things done in this rapidly accelerating world. ”

- John Brown

“ My kind of loyalty was loyalty to one's country, not to its institutions or its officeholders. The country is the real thing, the substantial thing, the eternal thing; it is the thing to watch over, and care for, and be loyal to institutions are extraneous, they are its mere clothing, and clothing can wear out, become ragged, cease to be comfortable, cease to protect the body from winter, disease, and death. ”

- Mark Twain

“ You see my kind of loyalty was loyalty to one's country, not to its institutions or its office-holders. The country is the real thing, the substantial thing, the eternal thing; it is the thing to watch over, and care for, and be loyal to; institutions are extraneous. ”

- Mark Twain

“ The only justification for repressive institutions is material and cultural deficit. But such institutions, at certain stages of history, perpetuate and produce such a deficit, and even threaten human survival. ”

- Noam Chomsky

“ Since its founding, the United States has championed the development of democracy everywhere. That work has arguably never been more important than it is today. We must continue to serve not just as a model, but as a partner in the effort to strengthen democracy across the globe. ”

- David E. Price

“ You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence. ”

- Charles Austin Beard

“ Our Founding Fathers, who are cited so frequently and appropriately on this floor, believed deeply that a successful democracy and a viable democracy requires an educated and engaged citizenry. I am confident that by adhering to high standards of achievement and accountability, we will produce an education system worthy of their great hopes. ”

- Bill Frist

“ Mahmud Abbas is not Thomas Jefferson. The spirit of Patrick Henry has not emerged in Lebanon. Although more than a 140 Syrian intellectuals have protested Syrian troops there and signed a public statement opposing the occupation, these intellectuals are not in the league of our own Founding Fathers. ”

- Suzanne Fields

“ I've been involved with the Creative Coalition since shortly after the founding… I love to really roll up my sleeves and get my hands dirty on any level when it comes to these sorts of issues… on a grass roots level or a clerical level. I love to educate myself and others and help raise awareness on important issues. ”

- William Baldwin
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