Quotes of Eyeball - somelinesforyou

“ The eyes see what the heart loves. If the heart loves God and is single in this devotion, then the eyes will see God whether others see Him or not. ”

- Warren Wiersbe

“ Only those who feel little in the eyes of God, can hope to be mighty in the eyes of men. ”

- Ernest Moritz Arndt

“ An idea is an eye given by God for the seeing of God. Some of these eyes we cannot bear to look out of; we blind them as quickly as possible. ”

- Russell Hoban

“ Where there is perhaps a province in which the photograph can tell us nothing more than what we see with our own eyes, there is another in which it proves to us how little our eyes permit us to see. ”

- Dorothea Lange

“ The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and deformity… and some scarce see nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself. ”

- Sir William Blake

“ There are a lot of empty seats that are about to be filled with corporatists surrounded by corporate hospitality suites funded by $13 million of taxpayers money. That's a pretty sickly witches' brew for a private convention where corporations have poured $100 million into it… ”

- Ralph Nader

“ Do everything as in the eye of another. ”

- Seneca

“ Drink to me only with thine eyes, And I will pledge with mine; Or leave a kiss but in the cup, And I'll not look for wine. ”

- Benjamin Johnson

“ Drink to me only with thine eyes, And I will pledge with mine. ”

- Ben Jonson

“ Power is strength and the ability to see yourself through your own eyes and not through the eyes of another. ”

- Agnes Whistling Elk

“ Reading isn't good for a ballplayer. Not good for his eyes. If my eyes went bad even a little bit I couldn't hit home runs. So I gave up reading. ”

- Babe Ruth

“ I want to see freedom and equality through my eyes and your eyes Coretta Scott King. I opened my mouth to the lord and I won't turn back, no! ”

- Maya Angelou

“ Oh eyes, no eyes, but fountains fraught with tears; O life, no life, but lively form of death; Oh world, no world, but mass of public wrongs. ”

- Thomas Kyd

“ Time's bitter flood will rise,Your beauty perish and be lostFor all eyes but these eyes. ”

- William Butler Yeats

“ Eisenhower had the clearest blue eyes. He would fix them on you. In my every interview with him, he would lock his eyes on to mine and keep them there. ”

- Stephen Ambrose

“ Many times I asked myself, 'Who is a painter in your own eyes?'. ”

- Peter Malkin

“ When you dream alone, with your eyes shut, asleep, that dream is an illusion. But when we dream together, sharing the same dream, awake and with our eyes wide open, then that dream becomes reality! ”

- Unknown

“ The lightning flashes through my skull; mine eyeballs ache and ache; my whole beaten brain seems as beheaded, and rolling on some stunning ground. ”

- Herman Melville

“ We're eyeball to eyeball and the other fellow just blinked. ”

- Dean Rusk

“ The only kind of seafood I trust is the fish stick, a totally featureless fish that doesn't have eyeballs or fins. ”

- Dave Barry

“ While there is perhaps a province in which the photograph can tell us nothing more than what we see with our own eyes, there is another in which it proves to us how little our eyes permit us to see. ”

- Dorothea Lange

“ I'll do my dreaming with my eyes wide open, and I'll do my looking back with my eyes closed. ”

- Tony Arata

“ Who are you going to believe — me or your own eyes? ”

- Groucho Marx

“ Men are born with two eyes, but only one tongue, in order that they should see twice as much as they say. ”

- Charles Caleb Colton

“ If a man will be righteous and equal, let him see, with his neighbour's eyes, in his own case; and with his own eyes, in his neighbour's case. ”

- Benjamin Whichcote

“ When you dream alone, with your eyes shut, asleep, that dream is an illusion. But when we dream together, sharing the same dream, awake and with our eyes wide open, then that dream becomes reality! ”

- Unknown

“ When you close your eyes to tragedy, you close your eyes to greatness. ”

- Stephen Vizinczey

“ Its marvelous what you can see when you open your eyes. ”

- Unknown

“ Its marvelous what you can see when you open your eyes. ”

- Unknown

“ Do everything as in the eye of another. ”

- Marcus Annaeus Seneca
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