Quotes of Davi - somelinesforyou

“ Bob Davis is wearing his hair differently this year, short and with curls like Randy Jones wears, I think you call it a Frisbee. ”

- Jerry Coleman

“ Gary was a macho man, but none of my husbands was ever man enough to become Mr Bette Davis. ”

- Bette Davis

“ As the 1960s began, jazz music was still at an apex, with hard bop groups led by the likes of Miles Davis and John Coltrane remaining a force on the musical landscape. ”

- Herbie Hancock

“ Other highlights? When I started practicing Buddhism 21 years ago. Marrying the woman I married 26 years ago; my wife is quite a woman. The birth of my daughter. Joining Miles Davis' band. ”

- Herbie Hancock

“ It looks like it's going to be Arnold Schwarzenegger or Gray Davis. You got a robot from the future or a robot with no future. ”

- Jay Leno
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