Quotes of Covet - somelinesforyou

“ He who is conceived in a cage, yearns for the cage. ”

- Yevgeny Yevtushenko

“ Mediocrity doesn't mean average intelligence, it means an average intelligence that resents and envies its betters. ”

- Ayn Rand

“ Envy is like a fly that passes all the body's sounder parts, and dwells upon the sores. ”

- Arthur Chapman

“ Who covets more is evermore a slave. ”

- Robert Herrick

“ Youth covets; let not this covetousness seduce you. ”

- Johann Friedrich von Schiller

“ My greatest happiness is to serve my gracious King and Country and I am envious only of glory; for if it be a sin to covet glory I am the most offending soul alive. ”

- Horatio Nelson

“ How much better a thing it is to be envied than to be pitied. ”

- Herodotus

“ Envy is honor's foe. ”

- Motto

“ We are ever striving after what is forbidden, and coveting what is denied us. ”

- Ovid

“ A good vacation is over when you begin to yearn for your work. ”

- Morris Fishbein

“ The player envies only the player, the poet envies only the poet. ”

- William Hazlitt

“ The artist envies what the arties gains, The bard the rival bard's successful strains. ”

- Hesiod

“ Only I discernInfinite passion, and the painOf finite hearts that yearn. ”

- Robert Browning

“ I love those who yearn for the impossible. ”

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“ When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal. ”

- Napoleon Hill

“ He had discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it - namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to obtain. ”

- Mark Twain

“ All are inclined to believe what they covet, from a lottery-ticket up to a passport to Paradise. ”

- Lord Byron

“ He is not rich that possesses much, but he that covets no more; and he is not poor that enjoys little, but he that wants too much. ”

- Francis Beaumont

“ I conceive that pleasures are to be avoided if greater pains be the consequence, and pains to be coveted that will terminate in greater pleasures. ”

- Michel Eyquem de Montaigne

“ I love to hear my Lord spoken of, and wherever I have seen the print of His shoe in the earth, there have I coveted to put mine also. ”

- John Bunyan

“ The great art of giving consists in this: the gift should cost very little and yet be greatly coveted, so that it may be the more highly appreciated. ”

- Baltasar Gracian

“ Let death be daily before your eyes, and you will never entertain any abject thought, nor too eagerly covet anything. ”

- Epictetus

“ Offer unto me that which is very dear to thee — which thou holdest most covetable. Infinite are the results of such an offering. ”

- Bhagavad Gita

“ Old age though despised, is coveted by all. ”

- Unknown

“ Peace and happiness are what you covet, but these are only to be obtained by labor. ”

- Thomas a Kempis

“ The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom. ”

- Sun tzu

“ Thou shalt not covet; but tradition approves all forms of competition. ”

- Arthur Hugh Clough

“ The hunt for young authors who, while maintaining a prestige value may yet somehow win the coveted jackpot, is feverish and incessant. Last year's authors are pushed aside and this year'she novelist Jean Stafford, her poet husband Robert Lowell, or the dark horse, Truman Capotere invariably mentioned… ”

- Cyril Connolly

“ To be glad of life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars; to be satisfied with your possessions, but not contented with yourself until you have made the best of them; to despise nothing in the world except falsehood and meanness, and to fear nothing except cowardice; to be governed by your admirations rather than by your disgusts; to covet nothing that is your neighbor's except his kindness of heart and gentleness of manners; to think seldom of your enemies, often of your friends, and every day of Christ; and to spend as much time as you can, with body and with spirit, in God's out-of-doors — these are little guideposts on the footpath to peace. ”

- Henry Van Dyke

“ It is of the nobility of man's soul that he is insatiable: for he hath a benefactor so prone to give, that he delighteth in us for asking. Do not your inclinations tell you that the WORLD is yours? Do you not covet all? Do you not long to have it; to enjoy it; to overcome it? To what end do men gather riches, but to multiply more? Do they not, like Pyrrhus the King of Epire, add house to house and lands to lands, that they may get it all? ”

- Thomas Traherne
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