Quotes of Walter Mossberg - somelinesforyou

“ If you walked into Netscape headquarters with a plain old modem from CompUSA they'd think it was a garage-door opener. ”

- Walter Mossberg

“ If you walked into Netscape headquarters with a plain old modem from CompUSA they'd think it was a garage-door opener. ”

- Walter Mossberg

“ If you walked into Netscape headquarters with a plain old modem from CompUSA they'd think it was a garage-door opener. ”

- Walter Mossberg

“ I'm an enemy of what I call 'computer theology.' There's a class conflict out there. There's a techno-elite that lives in a different world. ”

- Walter Mossberg

“ Why shouldn't a PC work like a refrigerator or a toaster? ”

- Walter Mossberg

“ If you walked into Netscape headquarters with a plain old modem from CompUSA they'd think it was a garage-door opener. ”

- Walter Mossberg

“ If you walked into Netscape headquarters with a plain old modem from CompUSA they'd think it was a garage-door opener. ”

- Walter Mossberg

“ If you walked into Netscape headquarters with a plain old modem from CompUSA they'd think it was a garage-door opener. ”

- Walter Mossberg

“ If you walked into Netscape headquarters with a plain old modem from CompUSA they'd think it was a garage-door opener. ”

- Walter Mossberg

“ If you walked into Netscape headquarters with a plain old modem from CompUSA they'd think it was a garage-door opener. ”

- Walter Mossberg

“ If you walked into Netscape headquarters with a plain old modem from CompUSA they'd think it was a garage-door opener. ”

- Walter Mossberg

“ If you walked into Netscape headquarters with a plain old modem from CompUSA they'd think it was a garage-door opener. ”

- Walter Mossberg

“ Why shouldn't a PC work like a refrigerator or a toaster? ”

- Walter Mossberg

“ I'm an enemy of what I call 'computer theology.' There's a class conflict out there. There's a techno-elite that lives in a different world. ”

- Walter Mossberg

“ I'm an enemy of what I call 'computer theology.' There's a class conflict out there. There's a techno-elite that lives in a different world. ”

- Walter Mossberg

“ Why shouldn't a PC work like a refrigerator or a toaster? ”

- Walter Mossberg
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