Quotes of Trace Adkins - somelinesforyou

“ Country music fans are the best everywhere and they've always made me feel like I'm at home, no matter what zip code I'm in. I just want to thank them from the bottom of my heart for blessing me with such an incredible career that I truly enjoy. ”

- Trace Adkins

“ People get passionate about a song. It's been my experience if you put out radio candy, something commercial, it doesn't sell records. ”

- Trace Adkins

“ People get passionate about a song. It's been my experience if you put out radio candy, something commercial, it doesn't sell records. ”

- Trace Adkins

“ Country music fans are the best everywhere and they've always made me feel like I'm at home, no matter what zip code I'm in. I just want to thank them from the bottom of my heart for blessing me with such an incredible career that I truly enjoy. ”

- Trace Adkins

“ I only record songs that I really like and believe in and can sing with conviction. ”

- Trace Adkins

“ I only record songs that I really like and believe in and can sing with conviction. ”

- Trace Adkins

“ I know there are a lot of country music fans in New York City but the problem with doing a show in New York City is its very difficult to promote. ”

- Trace Adkins

“ Country music fans are the best everywhere and they've always made me feel like I'm at home, no matter what zip code I'm in. I just want to thank them from the bottom of my heart for blessing me with such an incredible career that I truly enjoy. ”

- Trace Adkins

“ People get passionate about a song. It's been my experience if you put out radio candy, something commercial, it doesn't sell records. ”

- Trace Adkins

“ People get passionate about a song. It's been my experience if you put out radio candy, something commercial, it doesn't sell records. ”

- Trace Adkins

“ People get passionate about a song. It's been my experience if you put out radio candy, something commercial, it doesn't sell records. ”

- Trace Adkins

“ Country music fans are the best everywhere and they've always made me feel like I'm at home, no matter what zip code I'm in. I just want to thank them from the bottom of my heart for blessing me with such an incredible career that I truly enjoy. ”

- Trace Adkins
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