Quotes of Svetozar Marovic - somelinesforyou

“ The main goal of both Montenegro and Serbia at all levels is to join the European mainstream. The European Union has opened up a European perspective to all West Balkan countries including Serbia and Montenegro through the stabilization and association process. ”

- Svetozar Marovic

“ It doesn't matter who'll be the first. The important thing is that European Union member countries give timely support to the Southeast's European goals so as to prevent the forces from the past from having room to act. ”

- Svetozar Marovic

“ I also wish to say that this is really the time of expected reforms and necessary changes. The State Union bodies surely have their share of responsibilities and commitments in that process. One of our main tasks, subject to a responsible role and contribution by the member states, will be the reform of the Armed Forces of Montenegro and Serbia. ”

- Svetozar Marovic

“ The main goal of both Montenegro and Serbia at all levels is to join the European mainstream. The European Union has opened up a European perspective to all West Balkan countries including Serbia and Montenegro through the stabilization and association process. ”

- Svetozar Marovic

“ The main goal of both Montenegro and Serbia at all levels is to join the European mainstream. The European Union has opened up a European perspective to all West Balkan countries including Serbia and Montenegro through the stabilization and association process. ”

- Svetozar Marovic

“ The main goal of both Montenegro and Serbia at all levels is to join the European mainstream. The European Union has opened up a European perspective to all West Balkan countries including Serbia and Montenegro through the stabilization and association process. ”

- Svetozar Marovic

“ I also wish to say that this is really the time of expected reforms and necessary changes. The State Union bodies surely have their share of responsibilities and commitments in that process. One of our main tasks, subject to a responsible role and contribution by the member states, will be the reform of the Armed Forces of Montenegro and Serbia. ”

- Svetozar Marovic

“ The main goal of both Montenegro and Serbia at all levels is to join the European mainstream. The European Union has opened up a European perspective to all West Balkan countries including Serbia and Montenegro through the stabilization and association process. ”

- Svetozar Marovic

“ I also wish to say that this is really the time of expected reforms and necessary changes. The State Union bodies surely have their share of responsibilities and commitments in that process. One of our main tasks, subject to a responsible role and contribution by the member states, will be the reform of the Armed Forces of Montenegro and Serbia. ”

- Svetozar Marovic

“ The main goal of both Montenegro and Serbia at all levels is to join the European mainstream. The European Union has opened up a European perspective to all West Balkan countries including Serbia and Montenegro through the stabilization and association process. ”

- Svetozar Marovic

“ I also wish to say that this is really the time of expected reforms and necessary changes. The State Union bodies surely have their share of responsibilities and commitments in that process. One of our main tasks, subject to a responsible role and contribution by the member states, will be the reform of the Armed Forces of Montenegro and Serbia. ”

- Svetozar Marovic

“ I also wish to say that this is really the time of expected reforms and necessary changes. The State Union bodies surely have their share of responsibilities and commitments in that process. One of our main tasks, subject to a responsible role and contribution by the member states, will be the reform of the Armed Forces of Montenegro and Serbia. ”

- Svetozar Marovic

“ I also wish to say that this is really the time of expected reforms and necessary changes. The State Union bodies surely have their share of responsibilities and commitments in that process. One of our main tasks, subject to a responsible role and contribution by the member states, will be the reform of the Armed Forces of Montenegro and Serbia. ”

- Svetozar Marovic

“ I'm happy because I know that there is a full understanding on all levels about this question and that, before everything, the case of Ratko Mladic has to be closed in the shortest possible time and in the best interests of Serbia-Montenegro and its European path. ”

- Svetozar Marovic

“ I also wish to say that this is really the time of expected reforms and necessary changes. The State Union bodies surely have their share of responsibilities and commitments in that process. One of our main tasks, subject to a responsible role and contribution by the member states, will be the reform of the Armed Forces of Montenegro and Serbia. ”

- Svetozar Marovic

“ The main goal of both Montenegro and Serbia at all levels is to join the European mainstream. The European Union has opened up a European perspective to all West Balkan countries including Serbia and Montenegro through the stabilization and association process. ”

- Svetozar Marovic

“ I also wish to say that this is really the time of expected reforms and necessary changes. The State Union bodies surely have their share of responsibilities and commitments in that process. One of our main tasks, subject to a responsible role and contribution by the member states, will be the reform of the Armed Forces of Montenegro and Serbia. ”

- Svetozar Marovic

“ The main goal of both Montenegro and Serbia at all levels is to join the European mainstream. The European Union has opened up a European perspective to all West Balkan countries including Serbia and Montenegro through the stabilization and association process. ”

- Svetozar Marovic
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