Quotes of Stokely Carmichael - somelinesforyou

“ So that the failures to pass a civil rights bill isn't because of Black Power, isn't because of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee; it's not because of the rebellions that are occurring in the major cities. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ I knew that I could vote and that that wasn't a privilege; it was my right. Every time I tried I was shot, killed or jailed, beaten or economically deprived. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ In a sense, I blame ourselves - together with the mass media - for what has happened in Watts, Harlem, Chicago, Cleveland, Omaha. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ The first need of a free people is to define their own terms. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ Black power can be clearly defined for those who do not attach the fears of white America to their questions about it. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ Seems to me that the institutions that function in this country are clearly racist, and that they're built upon racism. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ We are revolutionaries. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ Seems to me that the institutions that function in this country are clearly racist, and that they're built upon racism. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ No man can given anybody his freedom. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ The knowledge I have now is not the knowledge I had then. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ Our grandfathers had to run, run, run. My generation's out of breath. We ain't running no more. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ Our grandfathers had to run, run, run. My generation's out of breath. We ain't running no more. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ I usually say I did the best I could with what I had. I have no major regrets. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ We had no more courage than Harriet Tubman or Marcus Garvey had in their times. We just had a more vulnerable enemy. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ It is a call for black people in this country to unite, to recognize their heritage, to build a sense of community. It is a call for black people to define their own goals, to lead their own organizations. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ A man is born free. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ So that the failures to pass a civil rights bill isn't because of Black Power, isn't because of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee; it's not because of the rebellions that are occurring in the major cities. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ We are revolutionaries. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ Seems to me that the institutions that function in this country are clearly racist, and that they're built upon racism. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ I knew that I could vote and that that wasn't a privilege; it was my right. Every time I tried I was shot, killed or jailed, beaten or economically deprived. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ No man can given anybody his freedom. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ So that the failures to pass a civil rights bill isn't because of Black Power, isn't because of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee; it's not because of the rebellions that are occurring in the major cities. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ I usually say I did the best I could with what I had. I have no major regrets. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ We are revolutionaries. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ Our grandfathers had to run, run, run. My generation's out of breath. We ain't running no more. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ We wanted to say that this is a student conference, as it should be, held on a campus, and that we're not ever to be caught up in the intellectual masturbation of the question of Black Power. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ Capitalism is a stupid system, a backward system. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ So that the failures to pass a civil rights bill isn't because of Black Power, isn't because of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee; it's not because of the rebellions that are occurring in the major cities. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ Black power can be clearly defined for those who do not attach the fears of white America to their questions about it. ”

- Stokely Carmichael

“ So that the failures to pass a civil rights bill isn't because of Black Power, isn't because of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee; it's not because of the rebellions that are occurring in the major cities. ”

- Stokely Carmichael
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