Quotes of Spencer Tracy - somelinesforyou

“ There were many times my pants were so thin I could sit on a dime and tell if it was heads or tails. ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ I'm disappointed in acting as a craft. I want everything to go back to Orson Welles and fake noses and changing your voice. It's become so much about personality. ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ I'm disappointed in acting as a craft. I want everything to go back to Orson Welles and fake noses and changing your voice. It's become so much about personality. ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ I lose my temper, but it's all over in a minute, said the student. So is the hydrogen bomb, I replied. But think of the damage it produces! ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ I'm disappointed in acting as a craft. I want everything to go back to Orson Welles and fake noses and changing your voice. It's become so much about personality. ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ There were many times my pants were so thin I could sit on a dime and tell if it was heads or tails. ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ Just learn your lines and don't bump into the furniture. ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ I'm disappointed in acting as a craft. I want everything to go back to Orson Welles and fake noses and changing your voice. It's become so much about personality. ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ Just learn your lines and don't bump into the furniture. ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ Just learn your lines and don't bump into the furniture. ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ Just learn your lines and don't bump into the furniture. ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ I'm disappointed in acting as a craft. I want everything to go back to Orson Welles and fake noses and changing your voice. It's become so much about personality. ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ I'm disappointed in acting as a craft. I want everything to go back to Orson Welles and fake noses and changing your voice. It's become so much about personality. ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ There were many times my pants were so thin I could sit on a dime and tell if it was heads or tails. ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ There were many times my pants were so thin I could sit on a dime and tell if it was heads or tails. ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ There were many times my pants were so thin I could sit on a dime and tell if it was heads or tails. ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ I lose my temper, but it's all over in a minute, said the student. So is the hydrogen bomb, I replied. But think of the damage it produces! ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ I lose my temper, but it's all over in a minute, said the student. So is the hydrogen bomb, I replied. But think of the damage it produces! ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ I lose my temper, but it's all over in a minute, said the student. So is the hydrogen bomb, I replied. But think of the damage it produces! ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ There were many times my pants were so thin I could sit on a dime and tell if it was heads or tails. ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ There were many times my pants were so thin I could sit on a dime and tell if it was heads or tails. ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ There were many times my pants were so thin I could sit on a dime and tell if it was heads or tails. ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ There were many times my pants were so thin I could sit on a dime and tell if it was heads or tails. ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ There were many times my pants were so thin I could sit on a dime and tell if it was heads or tails. ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ There were many times my pants were so thin I could sit on a dime and tell if it was heads or tails. ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ I lose my temper, but it's all over in a minute, said the student. So is the hydrogen bomb, I replied. But think of the damage it produces! ”

- Spencer Tracy

“ I'm disappointed in acting as a craft. I want everything to go back to Orson Welles and fake noses and changing your voice. It's become so much about personality. ”

- Spencer Tracy
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