Quotes of Solon B. Cousins - somelinesforyou

“ In believing in others, we are believed. In supporting others, we gain followers, and in recognizing the value of others, we are honored. ”

- Solon B. Cousins

“ Every philanthropic endeavor needs enough failures to keep it humble and enough victories to keep it succeeding. ”

- Solon B. Cousins

“ In believing in others, we are believed. In supporting others, we gain followers, and in recognizing the value of others, we are honored. ”

- Solon B. Cousins

“ Every philanthropic endeavor needs enough failures to keep it humble and enough victories to keep it succeeding. ”

- Solon B. Cousins

“ In believing in others, we are believed. In supporting others, we gain followers, and in recognizing the value of others, we are honored. ”

- Solon B. Cousins

“ Every philanthropic endeavor needs enough failures to keep it humble and enough victories to keep it succeeding. ”

- Solon B. Cousins

“ In believing in others, we are believed. In supporting others, we gain followers, and in recognizing the value of others, we are honored. ”

- Solon B. Cousins

“ In believing in others, we are believed. In supporting others, we gain followers, and in recognizing the value of others, we are honored. ”

- Solon B. Cousins

“ In believing in others, we are believed. In supporting others, we gain followers, and in recognizing the value of others, we are honored. ”

- Solon B. Cousins
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