Quotes of Sofia Vergara - somelinesforyou

“ I guess at the end of the day, all women like to be appreciated and treated with respect and kindness. ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ I felt that if I would chew a certain way and the director would let me do whatever. ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ I saw the movie and I remember her, but we weren't friends. Since the first day that we got together we were such good friends. It was funny because sometimes the director, Linda would have to stop and like stop the gossip, because when you are doing a movie you have to wait a lot until they were ready… ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ I felt that if I would chew a certain way and the director would let me do whatever. ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ I saw the movie and I remember her, but we weren't friends. Since the first day that we got together we were such good friends. It was funny because sometimes the director, Linda would have to stop and like stop the gossip, because when you are doing a movie you have to wait a lot until they were ready… ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ You know the writer is American? I don't even think she speaks Spanish. So that was good because the director has a lot of Latin roots in her. But I think it is a target to the Latin market because there is a lot of Latin in it. I think anyone could enjoy it because it is very light, simple, funny things… ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ I saw the movie and I remember her, but we weren't friends. Since the first day that we got together we were such good friends. It was funny because sometimes the director, Linda would have to stop and like stop the gossip, because when you are doing a movie you have to wait a lot until they were ready… ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ I felt that if I would chew a certain way and the director would let me do whatever. ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ It's very famous in the Latin world. It's like when you're a little kid your mom would say do your homework or La Llarona will get you. Or don't go in the dark. When you were a little kid, you know La Llarona. ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ This is my natural hair color. I'm usually blonder but not that blond. That was a wig actually because I didn't want to make my hair blond. I have long hair but it's not that thick. ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ It's very famous in the Latin world. It's like when you're a little kid your mom would say do your homework or La Llarona will get you. Or don't go in the dark. When you were a little kid, you know La Llarona. ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ For the Latin market it's very common because that is who we are, we are very passionate people we like sexy type. I've been working for the Latin market eight years and I'm Latin so it's part of work. I don't see it as a bad thing. I don't over do it, it's not pornographic sexiness but we do like our sexy stuff, its how we're brought up I guess. ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ It's very famous in the Latin world. It's like when you're a little kid your mom would say do your homework or La Llarona will get you. Or don't go in the dark. When you were a little kid, you know La Llarona. ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ You know the writer is American? I don't even think she speaks Spanish. So that was good because the director has a lot of Latin roots in her. But I think it is a target to the Latin market because there is a lot of Latin in it. I think anyone could enjoy it because it is very light, simple, funny things… ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ You know the writer is American? I don't even think she speaks Spanish. So that was good because the director has a lot of Latin roots in her. But I think it is a target to the Latin market because there is a lot of Latin in it. I think anyone could enjoy it because it is very light, simple, funny things… ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ For the Latin market it's very common because that is who we are, we are very passionate people we like sexy type. I've been working for the Latin market eight years and I'm Latin so it's part of work. I don't see it as a bad thing. I don't over do it, it's not pornographic sexiness but we do like our sexy stuff, its how we're brought up I guess. ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ You know the writer is American? I don't even think she speaks Spanish. So that was good because the director has a lot of Latin roots in her. But I think it is a target to the Latin market because there is a lot of Latin in it. I think anyone could enjoy it because it is very light, simple, funny things… ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ I saw the movie and I remember her, but we weren't friends. Since the first day that we got together we were such good friends. It was funny because sometimes the director, Linda would have to stop and like stop the gossip, because when you are doing a movie you have to wait a lot until they were ready… ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ It's very famous in the Latin world. It's like when you're a little kid your mom would say do your homework or La Llarona will get you. Or don't go in the dark. When you were a little kid, you know La Llarona. ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ For the Latin market it's very common because that is who we are, we are very passionate people we like sexy type. I've been working for the Latin market eight years and I'm Latin so it's part of work. I don't see it as a bad thing. I don't over do it, it's not pornographic sexiness but we do like our sexy stuff, its how we're brought up I guess. ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ You know the writer is American? I don't even think she speaks Spanish. So that was good because the director has a lot of Latin roots in her. But I think it is a target to the Latin market because there is a lot of Latin in it. I think anyone could enjoy it because it is very light, simple, funny things… ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ You know the writer is American? I don't even think she speaks Spanish. So that was good because the director has a lot of Latin roots in her. But I think it is a target to the Latin market because there is a lot of Latin in it. I think anyone could enjoy it because it is very light, simple, funny things… ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ This is my natural hair color. I'm usually blonder but not that blond. That was a wig actually because I didn't want to make my hair blond. I have long hair but it's not that thick. ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ This is my natural hair color. I'm usually blonder but not that blond. That was a wig actually because I didn't want to make my hair blond. I have long hair but it's not that thick. ”

- Sofia Vergara
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