Quotes of Robert Miller - somelinesforyou

“ Would you take a new prospect into this customer's plant or offices to show off your partnership? If you can't get a good reference from this account-or if you aren't willing to ask for one-you need to re-examine the relationship. ”

- Robert Miller

“ Society has come to believe that the term 'crooked CEO' is redundant. ”

- Robert Miller

“ Would you take a new prospect into this customer's plant or offices to show off your partnership? If you can't get a good reference from this account-or if you aren't willing to ask for one-you need to re-examine the relationship. ”

- Robert Miller

“ While major obstacles and difficult issues remain to be resolved, the discussions to date with GM and our major unions helped frame the concerns and objectives of each organization. ”

- Robert Miller

“ It was a zoo but I think they got all of the animals in the cage. ”

- Robert Miller

“ Would you take a new prospect into this customer's plant or offices to show off your partnership? If you can't get a good reference from this account-or if you aren't willing to ask for one-you need to re-examine the relationship. ”

- Robert Miller

“ A person that knows what he wants is dangerous. ”

- Robert Miller

“ We took this action because we are determined to achieve competitiveness for Delphi's core U.S. operations, and the key to accomplishing that goal is reducing these costs as soon as possible. We simply cannot afford to continue to be encumbered by high legacy issues and burdensome restrictions under current labor agreements that impair our ability to compete. ”

- Robert Miller

“ Society has come to believe that the term 'crooked CEO' is redundant. ”

- Robert Miller

“ We took this action because we are determined to achieve competitiveness for Delphi's core U.S. operations, and the key to accomplishing that goal is reducing these costs as soon as possible. We simply cannot afford to continue to be encumbered by high legacy issues and burdensome restrictions under current labor agreements that impair our ability to compete. ”

- Robert Miller

“ This has been one of the most difficult transitions, getting scientists to understand accountability in the short term. ”

- Robert Miller

“ It was a zoo but I think they got all of the animals in the cage. ”

- Robert Miller

“ It's tough raising teenagers in inner-city New Orleans. ”

- Robert Miller

“ This has been one of the most difficult transitions, getting scientists to understand accountability in the short term. ”

- Robert Miller

“ It's tough raising teenagers in inner-city New Orleans. ”

- Robert Miller

“ It was a zoo but I think they got all of the animals in the cage. ”

- Robert Miller

“ It was a zoo but I think they got all of the animals in the cage. ”

- Robert Miller

“ This has been one of the most difficult transitions, getting scientists to understand accountability in the short term. ”

- Robert Miller

“ While major obstacles and difficult issues remain to be resolved, the discussions to date with GM and our major unions helped frame the concerns and objectives of each organization. ”

- Robert Miller

“ It's tough raising teenagers in inner-city New Orleans. ”

- Robert Miller

“ This has been one of the most difficult transitions, getting scientists to understand accountability in the short term. ”

- Robert Miller

“ Would you take a new prospect into this customer's plant or offices to show off your partnership? If you can't get a good reference from this account-or if you aren't willing to ask for one-you need to re-examine the relationship. ”

- Robert Miller

“ Would you take a new prospect into this customer's plant or offices to show off your partnership? If you can't get a good reference from this account-or if you aren't willing to ask for one-you need to re-examine the relationship. ”

- Robert Miller

“ Paying $65 an hour for somebody mowing the lawn at one of our plants is just not going to survive anywhere in Industrial America for very long. That's just a hard fact of life. ”

- Robert Miller

“ This has been one of the most difficult transitions, getting scientists to understand accountability in the short term. ”

- Robert Miller

“ This has been one of the most difficult transitions, getting scientists to understand accountability in the short term. ”

- Robert Miller

“ Would you take a new prospect into this customer's plant or offices to show off your partnership? If you can't get a good reference from this account-or if you aren't willing to ask for one-you need to re-examine the relationship. ”

- Robert Miller

“ Would you take a new prospect into this customer's plant or offices to show off your partnership? If you can't get a good reference from this account-or if you aren't willing to ask for one-you need to re-examine the relationship. ”

- Robert Miller

“ Society has come to believe that the term 'crooked CEO' is redundant. ”

- Robert Miller

“ This has been one of the most difficult transitions, getting scientists to understand accountability in the short term. ”

- Robert Miller
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