Quotes of Rickey Henderson - somelinesforyou

“ Once you can accept failure, you can have fun and success. ”

- Rickey Henderson

“ Once you can accept failure, you can have fun and success. ”

- Rickey Henderson

“ It's just baseball. You always expect every team to go through this at one time or another. ”

- Rickey Henderson

“ Our theory was get Eck in the game. You knew the game was over. ”

- Rickey Henderson

“ Lou Brock was a great base stealer but today I am the greatest. ”

- Rickey Henderson

“ I don't want to be one of those great players who never made it to the Series. ”

- Rickey Henderson

“ You have to keep running. I always believed I was going to be safe. ”

- Rickey Henderson

“ It's just baseball. You always expect every team to go through this at one time or another. ”

- Rickey Henderson

“ If my uniform doesn't get dirty, I haven't done anything in the baseball game. ”

- Rickey Henderson

“ You have to keep running. I always believed I was going to be safe. ”

- Rickey Henderson

“ You have to keep running. I always believed I was going to be safe. ”

- Rickey Henderson

“ If my uniform doesn't get dirty, I haven't done anything in the baseball game. ”

- Rickey Henderson

“ It's just baseball. You always expect every team to go through this at one time or another. ”

- Rickey Henderson

“ Our theory was get Eck in the game. You knew the game was over. ”

- Rickey Henderson

“ Learning both sides of the plate - what is a strike and what is not a strike. And my biggest theory is being able to hit with two strikes, being able to put the bat on the ball. ”

- Rickey Henderson

“ Lou Brock was a great base stealer but today I am the greatest. ”

- Rickey Henderson

“ Our theory was get Eck in the game. You knew the game was over. ”

- Rickey Henderson

“ Lou Brock was a great base stealer but today I am the greatest. ”

- Rickey Henderson

“ Lou Brock was a great base stealer but today I am the greatest. ”

- Rickey Henderson

“ Learning both sides of the plate - what is a strike and what is not a strike. And my biggest theory is being able to hit with two strikes, being able to put the bat on the ball. ”

- Rickey Henderson
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