Quotes of Queen Juliana - somelinesforyou

“ I can't understand it. I can't even understand the people who can understand it. ”

- Queen Juliana

“ You are interested in the kitchen of the world - you want to find out what is cooking who has a finger in the pie and who will burn his finger. ”

- Queen Juliana

“ You are interested in the kitchen of the world - you want to find out what is cooking who has a finger in the pie and who will burn his finger. ”

- Queen Juliana

“ You are interested in the kitchen of the world - you want to find out what is cooking who has a finger in the pie and who will burn his finger. ”

- Queen Juliana

“ You are interested in the kitchen of the world - you want to find out what is cooking who has a finger in the pie and who will burn his finger. ”

- Queen Juliana

“ You are interested in the kitchen of the world - you want to find out what is cooking who has a finger in the pie and who will burn his finger. ”

- Queen Juliana

“ You are interested in the kitchen of the world - you want to find out what is cooking who has a finger in the pie and who will burn his finger. ”

- Queen Juliana

“ I can't understand it. I can't even understand the people who can understand it. ”

- Queen Juliana
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