Quotes of Niki Taylor - somelinesforyou

“ All my Doctor's said I should become a model. ”

- Niki Taylor

“ They're paying for an image and for example, I'm with Cover Girl and they want an all-American clean, fresh person. I think I do a pretty good job, you know, and maybe you guys think it's being overpaid. I think, it's like, you know, being a sports star, you're an image. ”

- Niki Taylor

“ All my Doctor's said I should become a model. ”

- Niki Taylor

“ I always hated my mole growing up. I even thought about having it removed. At the time I didn't do it because I thought it would hurt, and now I'm glad I didn't. ”

- Niki Taylor

“ The doctors said I wouldn't live when I was born. ”

- Niki Taylor

“ They're paying for an image and for example, I'm with Cover Girl and they want an all-American clean, fresh person. I think I do a pretty good job, you know, and maybe you guys think it's being overpaid. I think, it's like, you know, being a sports star, you're an image. ”

- Niki Taylor

“ I think I have enough tattoos for now. If I get any others, I'll probably do my kids initials. ”

- Niki Taylor

“ I think I have enough tattoos for now. If I get any others, I'll probably do my kids initials. ”

- Niki Taylor

“ They're paying for an image and for example, I'm with Cover Girl and they want an all-American clean, fresh person. I think I do a pretty good job, you know, and maybe you guys think it's being overpaid. I think, it's like, you know, being a sports star, you're an image. ”

- Niki Taylor

“ All my Doctor's said I should become a model. ”

- Niki Taylor

“ All my Doctor's said I should become a model. ”

- Niki Taylor

“ They're paying for an image and for example, I'm with Cover Girl and they want an all-American clean, fresh person. I think I do a pretty good job, you know, and maybe you guys think it's being overpaid. I think, it's like, you know, being a sports star, you're an image. ”

- Niki Taylor

“ I think I have enough tattoos for now. If I get any others, I'll probably do my kids initials. ”

- Niki Taylor

“ I always hated my mole growing up. I even thought about having it removed. At the time I didn't do it because I thought it would hurt, and now I'm glad I didn't. ”

- Niki Taylor

“ I always hated my mole growing up. I even thought about having it removed. At the time I didn't do it because I thought it would hurt, and now I'm glad I didn't. ”

- Niki Taylor
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