Quotes of Naomi Campbell - somelinesforyou

“ I make a lot of money, but I don't want to talk about that. I work very hard and I'm worth every cent. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I never diet. I smoke. I drink now and then. I never work out. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I cannot drink or do anything that changes the mind. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ The worst was when my skirt fell down to my ankles, but I had on thick tights underneath. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I make a lot of money, but I don't want to talk about that. I work very hard and I'm worth every cent. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I make a lot of money, but I don't want to talk about that. I work very hard and I'm worth every cent. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ My features are completely ethnic. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I make a lot of money, but I don't want to talk about that. I work very hard and I'm worth every cent. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I never diet. I smoke. I drink now and then. I never work out. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I make a lot of money, but I don't want to talk about that. I work very hard and I'm worth every cent. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I make a lot of money, but I don't want to talk about that. I work very hard and I'm worth every cent. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I never diet. I smoke. I drink now and then. I never work out. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I make a lot of money, but I don't want to talk about that. I work very hard and I'm worth every cent. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ Yes, I did and a lot of my friends who are in the same program as I were very much supportive, and the most important thing they said to me is do not let this interfere with what you have to do in taking car of yourself. That was the most important thing. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I make a lot of money, but I don't want to talk about that. I work very hard and I'm worth every cent. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ Anger is a manifestation of a deeper issue... and that, for me, is based on insecurity, self-esteem and loneliness. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ Anger is a manifestation of a deeper issue... and that, for me, is based on insecurity, self-esteem and loneliness. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I never diet. I smoke. I drink now and then. I never work out. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I don't always wear underwear. When I'm in the heat, especially, I can't wear it. Like, if I'm wearing a flower dress, why do I have to wear underwear? ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ My features are completely ethnic. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I'm not set on a pedestal where I think I'm too high and mighty. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I'm always trying to do the impossible to please people. It comes from not being secure in myself and not looking at the things within I have to fix. Sometimes you keep going because you don't want to face the truth. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I don't always wear underwear. When I'm in the heat, especially, I can't wear it. Like, if I'm wearing a flower dress, why do I have to wear underwear? ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I don't always wear underwear. When I'm in the heat, especially, I can't wear it. Like, if I'm wearing a flower dress, why do I have to wear underwear? ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I'm not set on a pedestal where I think I'm too high and mighty. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I have no regrets. I've got my health. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I'm always trying to do the impossible to please people. It comes from not being secure in myself and not looking at the things within I have to fix. Sometimes you keep going because you don't want to face the truth. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I'm always trying to do the impossible to please people. It comes from not being secure in myself and not looking at the things within I have to fix. Sometimes you keep going because you don't want to face the truth. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I make a lot of money, but I don't want to talk about that. I work very hard and I'm worth every cent. ”

- Naomi Campbell

“ I never diet. I smoke. I drink now and then. I never work out. ”

- Naomi Campbell
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