Quotes of Mikhail Khodorkovsky - somelinesforyou

“ I am running not for entrance to the parliament deputies' dining room or to the Cabinet, but for the right of every resident of Russia to say publicly: the current Kremlin regime has exhausted itself and its days are trickling away. ”

- Mikhail Khodorkovsky

“ I am running not for entrance to the parliament deputies' dining room or to the Cabinet, but for the right of every resident of Russia to say publicly: the current Kremlin regime has exhausted itself and its days are trickling away. ”

- Mikhail Khodorkovsky

“ Fortunes are made, and disappear, over the lifetime of a single generation. Today, a person in essence takes his wealth from society just for the duration of his or her lifetime. The next generation has to create it anew. ”

- Mikhail Khodorkovsky

“ I insist on my position to allow the participation of these two lawyers to avoid risking a mistrial. ”

- Mikhail Khodorkovsky

“ I insist on my position to allow the participation of these two lawyers to avoid risking a mistrial. ”

- Mikhail Khodorkovsky

“ Fortunes are made, and disappear, over the lifetime of a single generation. Today, a person in essence takes his wealth from society just for the duration of his or her lifetime. The next generation has to create it anew. ”

- Mikhail Khodorkovsky

“ Today, a skilled manager makes more than the owner. And owners fight each other to get the skilled managers. ”

- Mikhail Khodorkovsky

“ Today, a skilled manager makes more than the owner. And owners fight each other to get the skilled managers. ”

- Mikhail Khodorkovsky

“ I insist on my position to allow the participation of these two lawyers to avoid risking a mistrial. ”

- Mikhail Khodorkovsky

“ I am running not for entrance to the parliament deputies' dining room or to the Cabinet, but for the right of every resident of Russia to say publicly: the current Kremlin regime has exhausted itself and its days are trickling away. ”

- Mikhail Khodorkovsky

“ Today, a skilled manager makes more than the owner. And owners fight each other to get the skilled managers. ”

- Mikhail Khodorkovsky

“ I insist on my position to allow the participation of these two lawyers to avoid risking a mistrial. ”

- Mikhail Khodorkovsky
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