Quotes of Mike Murphy - somelinesforyou

“ We closed out at the right time of the day with a big game. We came out in the second half and boom, boom, boom. We're in the hunt. ”

- Mike Murphy

“ We played well defensively — only two points in the second half is good no matter who you play. ”

- Mike Murphy

“ Too often, young adults risk their financial futures by going without health insurance because they don't understand it or don't think they need it. ”

- Mike Murphy

“ Too often, young adults risk their financial futures by going without health insurance because they don't understand it or don't think they need it. ”

- Mike Murphy

“ We closed out at the right time of the day with a big game. We came out in the second half and boom, boom, boom. We're in the hunt. ”

- Mike Murphy

“ We talked about getting better ball movement and we adjusted to what they were doing with their trapping. We made a few shots and defensively, we picked it up a notch in the second half. ”

- Mike Murphy
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