Quotes of Lewis Ward - somelinesforyou

“ This is an opportunity to get the average Joe who's never downloaded a song on his PC. At $2.50 (per song), as long as it's easy to do and sounds like CD-quality, I think a lot of people are not going to balk at the $2.50 price point. ”

- Lewis Ward

“ This is an opportunity to get the average Joe who's never downloaded a song on his PC. At $2.50 (per song), as long as it's easy to do and sounds like CD-quality, I think a lot of people are not going to balk at the $2.50 price point. ”

- Lewis Ward

“ The new high-speed entertainment services offered via the Sprint Power Vision Network represents another key milestone in the development of consumer wireless services,... Sprint already enjoys the highest revenue per retail subscriber in data-oriented services in the industry and will likely woo many more customers with these new, innovative services. ”

- Lewis Ward

“ Boredom is a finicky creature, never around when you need it, and always popping up when you want it the least. ”

- Lewis Ward

“ This is an opportunity to get the average Joe who's never downloaded a song on his PC. At $2.50 (per song), as long as it's easy to do and sounds like CD-quality, I think a lot of people are not going to balk at the $2.50 price point. ”

- Lewis Ward

“ Boredom is a finicky creature, never around when you need it, and always popping up when you want it the least. ”

- Lewis Ward

“ Your problems and mine, they are nothing new. They are all just another small part of the generic nightmare. ”

- Lewis Ward

“ This is an opportunity to get the average Joe who's never downloaded a song on his PC. At $2.50 (per song), as long as it's easy to do and sounds like CD-quality, I think a lot of people are not going to balk at the $2.50 price point. ”

- Lewis Ward

“ Your problems and mine, they are nothing new. They are all just another small part of the generic nightmare. ”

- Lewis Ward

“ Your problems and mine, they are nothing new. They are all just another small part of the generic nightmare. ”

- Lewis Ward

“ This is an opportunity to get the average Joe who's never downloaded a song on his PC. At $2.50 (per song), as long as it's easy to do and sounds like CD-quality, I think a lot of people are not going to balk at the $2.50 price point. ”

- Lewis Ward

“ This is an opportunity to get the average Joe who's never downloaded a song on his PC. At $2.50 (per song), as long as it's easy to do and sounds like CD-quality, I think a lot of people are not going to balk at the $2.50 price point. ”

- Lewis Ward

“ Boredom is a finicky creature, never around when you need it, and always popping up when you want it the least. ”

- Lewis Ward

“ The new high-speed entertainment services offered via the Sprint Power Vision Network represents another key milestone in the development of consumer wireless services,... Sprint already enjoys the highest revenue per retail subscriber in data-oriented services in the industry and will likely woo many more customers with these new, innovative services. ”

- Lewis Ward

“ The new high-speed entertainment services offered via the Sprint Power Vision Network represents another key milestone in the development of consumer wireless services,... Sprint already enjoys the highest revenue per retail subscriber in data-oriented services in the industry and will likely woo many more customers with these new, innovative services. ”

- Lewis Ward
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