Quotes of Keith Miller - somelinesforyou

“ Pain is the doorway to wisdom and to truth. ”

- Keith Miller

“ And he loves to read. He loves the whisper of the pages and the way his fingertips catch on rough paper, the pour of the words up from the leaves, through soft light, into his eyes, the mute voice in his ears. ”

- Keith Miller

“ Stories are life," protested Pico. "Without them, books would be only paper and ink, with them they breathe, the reader is drawn in, the stories become him. ”

- Keith Miller

“ And he loves to read. He loves the whisper of the pages and the way his fingertips catch on rough paper, the pour of the words up from the leaves, through soft light, into his eyes, the mute voice in his ears. ”

- Keith Miller

“ Stories are life," protested Pico. "Without them, books would be only paper and ink, with them they breathe, the reader is drawn in, the stories become him. ”

- Keith Miller

“ What we see is that each person's cancer is genetically different. Some respond better to radiation, some to chemotherapy. The responses have to be assessed and the patient treated accordingly. ”

- Keith Miller

“ Her level of consistency is unmatched. We look for Jennifer to continue to set the pace for the team as she transitions into the leadership position that comes with being an upperclassman. ”

- Keith Miller

“ The knowledge of God is far from the love of Him. ”

- Keith Miller

“ I honestly never tried to tie the two events together. I still kind of disbelieve both events. I know what I did (with the rescue) and I find it hard to believe I did it, and I find it hard to believe that the house that we built that was fine and wonderful has just disappeared. ”

- Keith Miller

“ What we see is that each person's cancer is genetically different. Some respond better to radiation, some to chemotherapy. The responses have to be assessed and the patient treated accordingly. ”

- Keith Miller

“ What we see is that each person's cancer is genetically different. Some respond better to radiation, some to chemotherapy. The responses have to be assessed and the patient treated accordingly. ”

- Keith Miller

“ Her level of consistency is unmatched. We look for Jennifer to continue to set the pace for the team as she transitions into the leadership position that comes with being an upperclassman. ”

- Keith Miller
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