Quotes of Katherine Harris - somelinesforyou

“ I take full responsibility for this oversight. While the rules are complicated, as a member of Congress, it is my responsibility to know and obey them. ”

- Katherine Harris

“ As no new refinery has been built in the United States since 1976, the construction of new refineries constitute a giant leap forward toward greater energy independence. ”

- Katherine Harris

“ I am thrilled and honored to announce my support of George W. Bush for the presidency. Jeb has provided a constant reminder of the power of values-based leadership-the same George has shown in Texas. I also share George's commitment to education, and I look forward to sharing his vision with Floridians. ”

- Katherine Harris

“ I am thrilled and honored to announce my support of George W. Bush for the presidency. Jeb has provided a constant reminder of the power of values-based leadership-the same George has shown in Texas. I also share George's commitment to education, and I look forward to sharing his vision with Floridians. ”

- Katherine Harris

“ I am thrilled and honored to announce my support of George W. Bush for the presidency. Jeb has provided a constant reminder of the power of values-based leadership-the same George has shown in Texas. I also share George's commitment to education, and I look forward to sharing his vision with Floridians. ”

- Katherine Harris

“ I am thrilled and honored to announce my support of George W. Bush for the presidency. Jeb has provided a constant reminder of the power of values-based leadership-the same George has shown in Texas. I also share George's commitment to education, and I look forward to sharing his vision with Floridians. ”

- Katherine Harris

“ I am thrilled and honored to announce my support of George W. Bush for the presidency. Jeb has provided a constant reminder of the power of values-based leadership-the same George has shown in Texas. I also share George's commitment to education, and I look forward to sharing his vision with Floridians. ”

- Katherine Harris

“ I am thrilled and honored to announce my support of George W. Bush for the presidency. Jeb has provided a constant reminder of the power of values-based leadership-the same George has shown in Texas. I also share George's commitment to education, and I look forward to sharing his vision with Floridians. ”

- Katherine Harris

“ I am thrilled and honored to announce my support of George W. Bush for the presidency. Jeb has provided a constant reminder of the power of values-based leadership-the same George has shown in Texas. I also share George's commitment to education, and I look forward to sharing his vision with Floridians. ”

- Katherine Harris

“ I am thrilled and honored to announce my support of George W. Bush for the presidency. Jeb has provided a constant reminder of the power of values-based leadership-the same George has shown in Texas. I also share George's commitment to education, and I look forward to sharing his vision with Floridians. ”

- Katherine Harris

“ I am thrilled and honored to announce my support of George W. Bush for the presidency. Jeb has provided a constant reminder of the power of values-based leadership-the same George has shown in Texas. I also share George's commitment to education, and I look forward to sharing his vision with Floridians. ”

- Katherine Harris

“ I am thrilled and honored to announce my support of George W. Bush for the presidency. Jeb has provided a constant reminder of the power of values-based leadership-the same George has shown in Texas. I also share George's commitment to education, and I look forward to sharing his vision with Floridians. ”

- Katherine Harris

“ As no new refinery has been built in the United States since 1976, the construction of new refineries constitute a giant leap forward toward greater energy independence. ”

- Katherine Harris

“ The most important thing that our troops are doing, while we're creating this beacon of hope and democracy in the Middle East... they're capturing and killing those terrorists in Iraq and not here. ”

- Katherine Harris

“ We believe the most important issue we can address moving forward are the voting systems,... We want to make sure that the will of every voter is self evident and we think that through the appropriate voting system that they will not only be able to feel comfortable with that, but that we can be assured. ”

- Katherine Harris

“ I am thrilled and honored to announce my support of George W. Bush for the presidency. Jeb has provided a constant reminder of the power of values-based leadership-the same George has shown in Texas. I also share George's commitment to education, and I look forward to sharing his vision with Floridians. ”

- Katherine Harris
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