Quotes of Jude Law - somelinesforyou

“ My only obligation is to keep myself and other people guessing. ”

- Jude Law

“ You heard it from the heart, you saw it in their eyes. Then I got used to the fact that I couldn't feel my fingers and my feet. That for me was the essence of the battle. ”

- Jude Law

“ It was the shaving that bothered me the most. I'm not a great fan of shaving and I had to be really clean-shaven, hands, head, hairline, all the fluff off my face, everything except my eyebrows, so this sheen, this kind of polish they used on me, would stick. ”

- Jude Law

“ It was the shaving that bothered me the most. I'm not a great fan of shaving and I had to be really clean-shaven, hands, head, hairline, all the fluff off my face, everything except my eyebrows, so this sheen, this kind of polish they used on me, would stick. ”

- Jude Law

“ My only obligation is to keep myself and other people guessing. ”

- Jude Law

“ You heard it from the heart, you saw it in their eyes. Then I got used to the fact that I couldn't feel my fingers and my feet. That for me was the essence of the battle. ”

- Jude Law

“ It was the shaving that bothered me the most. I'm not a great fan of shaving and I had to be really clean-shaven, hands, head, hairline, all the fluff off my face, everything except my eyebrows, so this sheen, this kind of polish they used on me, would stick. ”

- Jude Law

“ Personally speaking there's only so long you can go from film to film to film. There's an inspiration an actor gets from the stage. ”

- Jude Law

“ You heard it from the heart, you saw it in their eyes. Then I got used to the fact that I couldn't feel my fingers and my feet. That for me was the essence of the battle. ”

- Jude Law

“ My only obligation is to keep myself and other people guessing. ”

- Jude Law

“ Personally speaking there's only so long you can go from film to film to film. There's an inspiration an actor gets from the stage. ”

- Jude Law

“ You heard it from the heart, you saw it in their eyes. Then I got used to the fact that I couldn't feel my fingers and my feet. That for me was the essence of the battle. ”

- Jude Law

“ It was the shaving that bothered me the most. I'm not a great fan of shaving and I had to be really clean-shaven, hands, head, hairline, all the fluff off my face, everything except my eyebrows, so this sheen, this kind of polish they used on me, would stick. ”

- Jude Law

“ Personally speaking there's only so long you can go from film to film to film. There's an inspiration an actor gets from the stage. ”

- Jude Law

“ You heard it from the heart, you saw it in their eyes. Then I got used to the fact that I couldn't feel my fingers and my feet. That for me was the essence of the battle. ”

- Jude Law

“ My only obligation is to keep myself and other people guessing. ”

- Jude Law

“ You heard it from the heart, you saw it in their eyes. Then I got used to the fact that I couldn't feel my fingers and my feet. That for me was the essence of the battle. ”

- Jude Law

“ It was the shaving that bothered me the most. I'm not a great fan of shaving and I had to be really clean-shaven, hands, head, hairline, all the fluff off my face, everything except my eyebrows, so this sheen, this kind of polish they used on me, would stick. ”

- Jude Law

“ It was the shaving that bothered me the most. I'm not a great fan of shaving and I had to be really clean-shaven, hands, head, hairline, all the fluff off my face, everything except my eyebrows, so this sheen, this kind of polish they used on me, would stick. ”

- Jude Law

“ It was the shaving that bothered me the most. I'm not a great fan of shaving and I had to be really clean-shaven, hands, head, hairline, all the fluff off my face, everything except my eyebrows, so this sheen, this kind of polish they used on me, would stick. ”

- Jude Law
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