Quotes of Jessie Hill - somelinesforyou

“ I'm not a self-made man. I cannot forget those who have sacrificed for me to get where I am today. ”

- Jessie Hill

“ I'm not a self-made man. I cannot forget those who have sacrificed for me to get where I am today. ”

- Jessie Hill

“ I'm not a self-made man. I cannot forget those who have sacrificed for me to get where I am today. ”

- Jessie Hill

“ I don't want to be 80 years old standing behind this chair. I have seen barbers stay too long, trying to cut hair and trembling at the same time. That won't happen to me. ”

- Jessie Hill

“ I'm not a self-made man. I cannot forget those who have sacrificed for me to get where I am today. ”

- Jessie Hill

“ I'm not a self-made man. I cannot forget those who have sacrificed for me to get where I am today. ”

- Jessie Hill

“ I'm not a self-made man. I cannot forget those who have sacrificed for me to get where I am today. ”

- Jessie Hill

“ I'm not a self-made man. I cannot forget those who have sacrificed for me to get where I am today. ”

- Jessie Hill

“ I'm not a self-made man. I cannot forget those who have sacrificed for me to get where I am today. ”

- Jessie Hill

“ I'm not a self-made man. I cannot forget those who have sacrificed for me to get where I am today. ”

- Jessie Hill

“ I don't want to be 80 years old standing behind this chair. I have seen barbers stay too long, trying to cut hair and trembling at the same time. That won't happen to me. ”

- Jessie Hill

“ I don't want to be 80 years old standing behind this chair. I have seen barbers stay too long, trying to cut hair and trembling at the same time. That won't happen to me. ”

- Jessie Hill

“ I don't want to be 80 years old standing behind this chair. I have seen barbers stay too long, trying to cut hair and trembling at the same time. That won't happen to me. ”

- Jessie Hill

“ I don't want to be 80 years old standing behind this chair. I have seen barbers stay too long, trying to cut hair and trembling at the same time. That won't happen to me. ”

- Jessie Hill
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