Quotes of James Coates - somelinesforyou

“ There never was a chip, it is said, that Bill Gates couldn't slow down with a new batch of features. ”

- James Coates

“ There never was a chip, it is said, that Bill Gates couldn't slow down with a new batch of features. ”

- James Coates

“ Fatware has been a nasty little dance that we've endured for most of this decade. Intel builds a hot new machine and Microsoft follows quickly with new and ever more bulky software that consumes all of the new machine's resources to do its stuff. So, Intel builds another machine. ”

- James Coates

“ There never was a chip, it is said, that Bill Gates couldn't slow down with a new batch of features. ”

- James Coates

“ There never was a chip, it is said, that Bill Gates couldn't slow down with a new batch of features. ”

- James Coates

“ There never was a chip, it is said, that Bill Gates couldn't slow down with a new batch of features. ”

- James Coates

“ Fatware has been a nasty little dance that we've endured for most of this decade. Intel builds a hot new machine and Microsoft follows quickly with new and ever more bulky software that consumes all of the new machine's resources to do its stuff. So, Intel builds another machine. ”

- James Coates

“ There never was a chip, it is said, that Bill Gates couldn't slow down with a new batch of features. ”

- James Coates

“ There never was a chip, it is said, that Bill Gates couldn't slow down with a new batch of features. ”

- James Coates

“ There never was a chip, it is said, that Bill Gates couldn't slow down with a new batch of features. ”

- James Coates

“ There never was a chip, it is said, that Bill Gates couldn't slow down with a new batch of features. ”

- James Coates

“ There never was a chip, it is said, that Bill Gates couldn't slow down with a new batch of features. ”

- James Coates

“ Fatware has been a nasty little dance that we've endured for most of this decade. Intel builds a hot new machine and Microsoft follows quickly with new and ever more bulky software that consumes all of the new machine's resources to do its stuff. So, Intel builds another machine. ”

- James Coates

“ Fatware has been a nasty little dance that we've endured for most of this decade. Intel builds a hot new machine and Microsoft follows quickly with new and ever more bulky software that consumes all of the new machine's resources to do its stuff. So, Intel builds another machine. ”

- James Coates

“ Fatware has been a nasty little dance that we've endured for most of this decade. Intel builds a hot new machine and Microsoft follows quickly with new and ever more bulky software that consumes all of the new machine's resources to do its stuff. So, Intel builds another machine. ”

- James Coates

“ Fatware has been a nasty little dance that we've endured for most of this decade. Intel builds a hot new machine and Microsoft follows quickly with new and ever more bulky software that consumes all of the new machine's resources to do its stuff. So, Intel builds another machine. ”

- James Coates

“ Fatware has been a nasty little dance that we've endured for most of this decade. Intel builds a hot new machine and Microsoft follows quickly with new and ever more bulky software that consumes all of the new machine's resources to do its stuff. So, Intel builds another machine. ”

- James Coates

“ There never was a chip, it is said, that Bill Gates couldn't slow down with a new batch of features. ”

- James Coates

“ Fatware has been a nasty little dance that we've endured for most of this decade. Intel builds a hot new machine and Microsoft follows quickly with new and ever more bulky software that consumes all of the new machine's resources to do its stuff. So, Intel builds another machine. ”

- James Coates

“ Fatware has been a nasty little dance that we've endured for most of this decade. Intel builds a hot new machine and Microsoft follows quickly with new and ever more bulky software that consumes all of the new machine's resources to do its stuff. So, Intel builds another machine. ”

- James Coates
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