Quotes of James C. Dobson - somelinesforyou

“ Self-control, human kindness, respect, and peacefulness can again be manifest in America if we will dare to discipline in our homes and schools. ”

- James C. Dobson

“ 2. Christian education places its emphasis on “unity” in relationships between people. ”

- James C. Dobson

“ 2. Christian education places its emphasis on “unity” in relationships between people. ”

- James C. Dobson

“ Faith in God is like believing a man can walk over Niagara Falls on a tightrope while pushing a wheelbarrow. Trust in God is like getting into the wheelbarrow! To believe God can do something miraculous is one thing; to risk his willingness to do it in your life is another. ”

- James C. Dobson

“ I'm certain that most couples expect to find intimacy in marriage, but it somehow eludes them. ”

- James C. Dobson

“ Sometimes we're so concerned about giving our children what we never had growing up, we neglect to give them what we did have growing up. ”

- James C. Dobson

“ I'm certain that most couples expect to find intimacy in marriage, but it somehow eludes them. ”

- James C. Dobson

“ Sometimes we're so concerned about giving our children what we never had growing up, we neglect to give them what we did have growing up. ”

- James C. Dobson

“ I'm certain that most couples expect to find intimacy in marriage, but it somehow eludes them. ”

- James C. Dobson

“ I'm certain that most couples expect to find intimacy in marriage, but it somehow eludes them. ”

- James C. Dobson

“ I'm certain that most couples expect to find intimacy in marriage, but it somehow eludes them. ”

- James C. Dobson

“ Sometimes we're so concerned about giving our children what we never had growing up, we neglect to give them what we did have growing up. ”

- James C. Dobson

“ Sometimes we're so concerned about giving our children what we never had growing up, we neglect to give them what we did have growing up. ”

- James C. Dobson

“ Faith in God is like believing a man can walk over Niagara Falls on a tightrope while pushing a wheelbarrow. Trust in God is like getting into the wheelbarrow! To believe God can do something miraculous is one thing; to risk his willingness to do it in your life is another. ”

- James C. Dobson

“ I'm certain that most couples expect to find intimacy in marriage, but it somehow eludes them. ”

- James C. Dobson

“ Faith in God is like believing a man can walk over Niagara Falls on a tightrope while pushing a wheelbarrow. Trust in God is like getting into the wheelbarrow! To believe God can do something miraculous is one thing; to risk his willingness to do it in your life is another. ”

- James C. Dobson

“ Faith in God is like believing a man can walk over Niagara Falls on a tightrope while pushing a wheelbarrow. Trust in God is like getting into the wheelbarrow! To believe God can do something miraculous is one thing; to risk his willingness to do it in your life is another. ”

- James C. Dobson
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