Quotes of Jakob Dylan - somelinesforyou

“ Tolerance can lead to learning something. ”

- Jakob Dylan

“ I'm waiting for my kids to grow up and get into the Offspring and look at me like I'm a total candy-ass. ”

- Jakob Dylan

“ It's a little gross to put yourself in every song. I mean, how interesting do people really think you are? ”

- Jakob Dylan

“ Tolerance can lead to learning something. ”

- Jakob Dylan

“ It's a little gross to put yourself in every song. I mean, how interesting do people really think you are? ”

- Jakob Dylan

“ I'm waiting for my kids to grow up and get into the Offspring and look at me like I'm a total candy-ass. ”

- Jakob Dylan

“ It's a little gross to put yourself in every song. I mean, how interesting do people really think you are? ”

- Jakob Dylan

“ I'm waiting for my kids to grow up and get into the Offspring and look at me like I'm a total candy-ass. ”

- Jakob Dylan

“ I'm waiting for my kids to grow up and get into the Offspring and look at me like I'm a total candy-ass. ”

- Jakob Dylan

“ I'm waiting for my kids to grow up and get into the Offspring and look at me like I'm a total candy-ass. ”

- Jakob Dylan

“ I'm waiting for my kids to grow up and get into the Offspring and look at me like I'm a total candy-ass. ”

- Jakob Dylan
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