Quotes of Ian Rush - somelinesforyou

“ And the things that we fear are a weapon to be held against us. ”

- Ian Rush

“ I couldn't settle in Italy - it was like living in a foreign country. ”

- Ian Rush

“ I couldn't settle in Italy - it was like living in a foreign country. ”

- Ian Rush

“ I couldn't settle in Italy - it was like living in a foreign country. ”

- Ian Rush

“ And the things that we fear are a weapon to be held against us. ”

- Ian Rush

“ And the things that we fear are a weapon to be held against us. ”

- Ian Rush

“ Moving from Wales to Italy is like moving to a different country. ”

- Ian Rush

“ And the things that we fear are a weapon to be held against us. ”

- Ian Rush

“ Moving from Wales to Italy is like moving to a different country. ”

- Ian Rush

“ I couldn't settle in Italy - it was like living in a foreign country. ”

- Ian Rush

“ Moving from Wales to Italy is like moving to a different country. ”

- Ian Rush

“ I couldn't settle in Italy - it was like living in a foreign country. ”

- Ian Rush

“ Moving from Wales to Italy is like moving to a different country. ”

- Ian Rush

“ I couldn't settle in Italy - it was like living in a foreign country. ”

- Ian Rush

“ Moving from Wales to Italy is like moving to a different country. ”

- Ian Rush

“ I couldn't settle in Italy - it was like living in a foreign country. ”

- Ian Rush

“ Moving from Wales to Italy is like moving to a different country. ”

- Ian Rush

“ Moving from Wales to Italy is like moving to a different country. ”

- Ian Rush

“ Moving from Wales to Italy is like moving to a different country. ”

- Ian Rush

“ Moving from Wales to Italy is like moving to a different country. ”

- Ian Rush

“ I couldn't settle in Italy - it was like living in a foreign country. ”

- Ian Rush

“ I couldn't settle in Italy - it was like living in a foreign country. ”

- Ian Rush

“ Moving from Wales to Italy is like moving to a different country. ”

- Ian Rush

“ Moving from Wales to Italy is like moving to a different country. ”

- Ian Rush

“ And the things that we fear are a weapon to be held against us. ”

- Ian Rush

“ Moving from Wales to Italy is like moving to a different country. ”

- Ian Rush

“ Moving from Wales to Italy is like moving to a different country. ”

- Ian Rush
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