Quotes of Goran Ivanisevic - somelinesforyou

“ This is the biggest achievement this team has had in its history, so for sure we want to go even further. ”

- Goran Ivanisevic

“ When you are winning too much, sometimes you think you should never lose again. I am learning to lose. ”

- Goran Ivanisevic

“ When you are winning too much, sometimes you think you should never lose again. I am learning to lose. ”

- Goran Ivanisevic

“ When you are winning too much, sometimes you think you should never lose again. I am learning to lose. ”

- Goran Ivanisevic

“ It's easier when you play. You get your emotion out. You scream. You yell. You do whatever you want. You play. But it's tough to sit. ”

- Goran Ivanisevic

“ It's easier when you play. You get your emotion out. You scream. You yell. You do whatever you want. You play. But it's tough to sit. ”

- Goran Ivanisevic

“ When you are winning too much, sometimes you think you should never lose again. I am learning to lose. ”

- Goran Ivanisevic

“ When you are winning too much, sometimes you think you should never lose again. I am learning to lose. ”

- Goran Ivanisevic

“ When you are winning too much, sometimes you think you should never lose again. I am learning to lose. ”

- Goran Ivanisevic

“ It's easier when you play. You get your emotion out. You scream. You yell. You do whatever you want. You play. But it's tough to sit. ”

- Goran Ivanisevic

“ Winning Wimbledon was a great feeling and it is still a great feeling. It has given me so much confidence. ”

- Goran Ivanisevic

“ Winning Wimbledon was a great feeling and it is still a great feeling. It has given me so much confidence. ”

- Goran Ivanisevic
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