Quotes of Glen Campbell - somelinesforyou

“ I love playing in the South,... I play lots of concerts in Cleveland and Boston and other cities up North, but I don't feel as comfortable as I do when I'm home in the South. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ I was standing in the old Western Studio 3 in Los Angeles looking at record albums. I saw a Johnny Rivers album with a song whose title intrigued me. I didn't know if 'By The Time I Get To Phoenix' was about the town or about the mythological bird coming out of the ashes. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ There we were, a musician and a quarterback acting in a Hollywood movie. Neither one of us had acted before - and our records are still clean,... I didn't take to acting. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ Acting alongside the larger-than-life star I'd grown up idolizing back in Delight, Arkansas, was truly one of the most memorable experiences of my life. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ What if this animal had a disease? What if it got loose and hurt someone? We can't allow exotic animals to live with people like this. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ It hurts and I'm going to have to have it operated on. Sometimes, I have to use just three fingers on my left hand when I play. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ I was standing in the old Western Studio 3 in Los Angeles looking at record albums. I saw a Johnny Rivers album with a song whose title intrigued me. I didn't know if 'By The Time I Get To Phoenix' was about the town or about the mythological bird coming out of the ashes. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ I was standing in the old Western Studio 3 in Los Angeles looking at record albums. I saw a Johnny Rivers album with a song whose title intrigued me. I didn't know if 'By The Time I Get To Phoenix' was about the town or about the mythological bird coming out of the ashes. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ It hurts and I'm going to have to have it operated on. Sometimes, I have to use just three fingers on my left hand when I play. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ Some people have said that I can 'hear' a hit song, meaning that I can tell the first time a song is played for me if it has potential. I have been able to hear some of the hits that way, but I can also 'feel' one. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ I think I've been blessed with the upbringing of parents who told you... There's an old saying, 'If he tells you a hog weighs five pounds, wrap it up.' That pretty much says it. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ I was standing in the old Western Studio 3 in Los Angeles looking at record albums. I saw a Johnny Rivers album with a song whose title intrigued me. I didn't know if 'By The Time I Get To Phoenix' was about the town or about the mythological bird coming out of the ashes. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ There we were, a musician and a quarterback acting in a Hollywood movie. Neither one of us had acted before - and our records are still clean,... I didn't take to acting. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ Some people have said that I can 'hear' a hit song, meaning that I can tell the first time a song is played for me if it has potential. I have been able to hear some of the hits that way, but I can also 'feel' one. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ I was standing in the old Western Studio 3 in Los Angeles looking at record albums. I saw a Johnny Rivers album with a song whose title intrigued me. I didn't know if 'By The Time I Get To Phoenix' was about the town or about the mythological bird coming out of the ashes. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ I was standing in the old Western Studio 3 in Los Angeles looking at record albums. I saw a Johnny Rivers album with a song whose title intrigued me. I didn't know if 'By The Time I Get To Phoenix' was about the town or about the mythological bird coming out of the ashes. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ I was standing in the old Western Studio 3 in Los Angeles looking at record albums. I saw a Johnny Rivers album with a song whose title intrigued me. I didn't know if 'By The Time I Get To Phoenix' was about the town or about the mythological bird coming out of the ashes. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ I was standing in the old Western Studio 3 in Los Angeles looking at record albums. I saw a Johnny Rivers album with a song whose title intrigued me. I didn't know if 'By The Time I Get To Phoenix' was about the town or about the mythological bird coming out of the ashes. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ It hurts and I'm going to have to have it operated on. Sometimes, I have to use just three fingers on my left hand when I play. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ I was standing in the old Western Studio 3 in Los Angeles looking at record albums. I saw a Johnny Rivers album with a song whose title intrigued me. I didn't know if 'By The Time I Get To Phoenix' was about the town or about the mythological bird coming out of the ashes. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ I was standing in the old Western Studio 3 in Los Angeles looking at record albums. I saw a Johnny Rivers album with a song whose title intrigued me. I didn't know if 'By The Time I Get To Phoenix' was about the town or about the mythological bird coming out of the ashes. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ It hurts and I'm going to have to have it operated on. Sometimes, I have to use just three fingers on my left hand when I play. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ I was standing in the old Western Studio 3 in Los Angeles looking at record albums. I saw a Johnny Rivers album with a song whose title intrigued me. I didn't know if 'By The Time I Get To Phoenix' was about the town or about the mythological bird coming out of the ashes. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ It hurts and I'm going to have to have it operated on. Sometimes, I have to use just three fingers on my left hand when I play. ”

- Glen Campbell

“ I was standing in the old Western Studio 3 in Los Angeles looking at record albums. I saw a Johnny Rivers album with a song whose title intrigued me. I didn't know if 'By The Time I Get To Phoenix' was about the town or about the mythological bird coming out of the ashes. ”

- Glen Campbell
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