Quotes of Eleanor Mondale - somelinesforyou

“ I don't want to name names. But sometimes when actors are monosyllabic it makes it difficult to have a good story. ”

- Eleanor Mondale

“ As an American I wish my Dad had been elected. Personally I think my life is easier than it would have been in terms of having a career. ”

- Eleanor Mondale

“ I'd like to be the ambassador to the Bahamas. ”

- Eleanor Mondale

“ I'd like to be the ambassador to the Bahamas. ”

- Eleanor Mondale

“ As an American I wish my Dad had been elected. Personally I think my life is easier than it would have been in terms of having a career. ”

- Eleanor Mondale

“ I'd like to be the ambassador to the Bahamas. ”

- Eleanor Mondale

“ I'd like to be the ambassador to the Bahamas. ”

- Eleanor Mondale

“ The biggest hurdle is figuring out who your friends are. Your real friends. ”

- Eleanor Mondale

“ As an American I wish my Dad had been elected. Personally I think my life is easier than it would have been in terms of having a career. ”

- Eleanor Mondale

“ As an American I wish my Dad had been elected. Personally I think my life is easier than it would have been in terms of having a career. ”

- Eleanor Mondale

“ I have more self-confidence than I did when I was in my 20s. There was a point when I almost gave up. I couldn't feed myself. I couldn't feed my pets. ”

- Eleanor Mondale

“ I have more self-confidence than I did when I was in my 20s. There was a point when I almost gave up. I couldn't feed myself. I couldn't feed my pets. ”

- Eleanor Mondale

“ I'd like to be the ambassador to the Bahamas. ”

- Eleanor Mondale

“ I don't want to name names. But sometimes when actors are monosyllabic it makes it difficult to have a good story. ”

- Eleanor Mondale

“ I don't want to name names. But sometimes when actors are monosyllabic it makes it difficult to have a good story. ”

- Eleanor Mondale

“ As an American I wish my Dad had been elected. Personally I think my life is easier than it would have been in terms of having a career. ”

- Eleanor Mondale

“ I have more self-confidence than I did when I was in my 20s. There was a point when I almost gave up. I couldn't feed myself. I couldn't feed my pets. ”

- Eleanor Mondale

“ I'd like to be the ambassador to the Bahamas. ”

- Eleanor Mondale

“ As an American I wish my Dad had been elected. Personally I think my life is easier than it would have been in terms of having a career. ”

- Eleanor Mondale
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