Quotes of Dr. Arthur Freeman And Rose DeWolf - somelinesforyou

“ because your thoughts — whether positive or negative — have a profound effect on what you do, there are times when it is vital to make yourself consciously aware of precisely what you are thinking… Learning how to challenge a conclusion to which your brain has leaped will help you to recognize when that conclusion is unjustified by facts… The time to challenge your thoughts is when you feel yourself getting upset… ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ Harmful habits can be broken. You can break a bad habit of thought, just as you can break a bad habit of action. And you can develop new habits that are more helpful and healthful for you. ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ When you leap to a conclusion, you tend to jump over evidence that, had you considered it, might have led you to a different conclusion. When your emotions take control of your thinking process, you are likely to make a decision based on no evidence that all, or even the evidence absolutely contrary to that which supports your Chicken Little conclusion. ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ Should is an ordinary, everyday word — except when it is used to indicate an order that may not be refused. Then should becomes a finger waving under the nose. This imperative says: "Don't you dare deviate by as much as a million of a millimeter or you'll be sorry… ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ When you leap to a conclusion, you tend to jump over evidence that, had you considered it, might have led you to a different conclusion. When your emotions take control of your thinking process, you are likely to make a decision based on no evidence that all, or even the evidence absolutely contrary to that which supports your Chicken Little conclusion. ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ When you leap to a conclusion, you tend to jump over evidence that, had you considered it, might have led you to a different conclusion. When your emotions take control of your thinking process, you are likely to make a decision based on no evidence that all, or even the evidence absolutely contrary to that which supports your Chicken Little conclusion. ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ Harmful habits can be broken. You can break a bad habit of thought, just as you can break a bad habit of action. And you can develop new habits that are more helpful and healthful for you. ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ Perfectionism. This is the desire to be perfect in all things. It sounds quite admirable — and no one would deny that it's smart to set high standards for yourself. However, perfectionism becomes dumb when the standards you set are so high you can never meet them… ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ When you leap to a conclusion, you tend to jump over evidence that, had you considered it, might have led you to a different conclusion. When your emotions take control of your thinking process, you are likely to make a decision based on no evidence that all, or even the evidence absolutely contrary to that which supports your Chicken Little conclusion. ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ our emotions and our actions are not separate from our thoughts. They are all interrelated. Thinking is the gateway to our emotions — and our emotions are the gateway to our actions. ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ Should is an ordinary, everyday word — except when it is used to indicate an order that may not be refused. Then should becomes a finger waving under the nose. This imperative says: "Don't you dare deviate by as much as a million of a millimeter or you'll be sorry… ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ When you change your patterns of thinking, you change the way you feel about yourself, about others, and about the world. And changing the way you feel enables you to deal more productively with your problems and burdens and to take actions necessary to improve your life. ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ Should is an ordinary, everyday word — except when it is used to indicate an order that may not be refused. Then should becomes a finger waving under the nose. This imperative says: "Don't you dare deviate by as much as a million of a millimeter or you'll be sorry… ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ When you change your patterns of thinking, you change the way you feel about yourself, about others, and about the world. And changing the way you feel enables you to deal more productively with your problems and burdens and to take actions necessary to improve your life. ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ Should is an ordinary, everyday word — except when it is used to indicate an order that may not be refused. Then should becomes a finger waving under the nose. This imperative says: "Don't you dare deviate by as much as a million of a millimeter or you'll be sorry… ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ our emotions and our actions are not separate from our thoughts. They are all interrelated. Thinking is the gateway to our emotions — and our emotions are the gateway to our actions. ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ Harmful habits can be broken. You can break a bad habit of thought, just as you can break a bad habit of action. And you can develop new habits that are more helpful and healthful for you. ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ Harmful habits can be broken. You can break a bad habit of thought, just as you can break a bad habit of action. And you can develop new habits that are more helpful and healthful for you. ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ Harmful habits can be broken. You can break a bad habit of thought, just as you can break a bad habit of action. And you can develop new habits that are more helpful and healthful for you. ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ Most people think of habits only in terms of actions. There are good habits like brushing your teeth and bad habits like biting your nails. But, in fact, we have good and bad habits in the way we think as well. Habits of action and of thoughts are light in that both occur automatically. ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ Harmful habits can be broken. You can break a bad habit of thought, just as you can break a bad habit of action. And you can develop new habits that are more helpful and healthful for you. ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ Perfectionism. This is the desire to be perfect in all things. It sounds quite admirable — and no one would deny that it's smart to set high standards for yourself. However, perfectionism becomes dumb when the standards you set are so high you can never meet them… ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ our emotions and our actions are not separate from our thoughts. They are all interrelated. Thinking is the gateway to our emotions — and our emotions are the gateway to our actions. ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ The yes-but person always manages to find a negative that outweighs any positives. Or dreams out improbable rationalizations to excuse an obvious negative. Yes-but people get in their own — and others' — way. ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ Should is an ordinary, everyday word — except when it is used to indicate an order that may not be refused. Then should becomes a finger waving under the nose. This imperative says: "Don't you dare deviate by as much as a million of a millimeter or you'll be sorry… ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ It doesn't make any difference whether what you face is something that affects your work, your personal relationships, your sense of security, your appraisal of self-worth, or your appearance — the way you think about your situation largely determines whether you will do anything about it and what you will do. ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ Most people think of habits only in terms of actions. There are good habits like brushing your teeth and bad habits like biting your nails. But, in fact, we have good and bad habits in the way we think as well. Habits of action and of thoughts are light in that both occur automatically. ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ The yes-but person always manages to find a negative that outweighs any positives. Or dreams out improbable rationalizations to excuse an obvious negative. Yes-but people get in their own — and others' — way. ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ because your thoughts — whether positive or negative — have a profound effect on what you do, there are times when it is vital to make yourself consciously aware of precisely what you are thinking… Learning how to challenge a conclusion to which your brain has leaped will help you to recognize when that conclusion is unjustified by facts… The time to challenge your thoughts is when you feel yourself getting upset… ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

“ When you change your patterns of thinking, you change the way you feel about yourself, about others, and about the world. And changing the way you feel enables you to deal more productively with your problems and burdens and to take actions necessary to improve your life. ”

- Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf
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