Quotes of David Puttnam - somelinesforyou

“ The most important thing I think teachers can do for young people is to make them inquiring, is to ensure that they know how to gather information, that they check information and they take their information from a multiplicity of sources. ”

- David Puttnam

“ Without any doubt at all, teacher quality is the fundamental differentiator. Not just, incidentally, of education, but I would argue, probably the biggest single differentiator of success for the nations of the 21st Century. ”

- David Puttnam

“ My belief is that no movie, nothing in life, leaves people neutral. You either leave them up or you leave them down. ”

- David Puttnam

“ My belief is that no movie, nothing in life, leaves people neutral. You either leave them up or you leave them down. ”

- David Puttnam

“ My belief is that no movie, nothing in life, leaves people neutral. You either leave them up or you leave them down. ”

- David Puttnam

“ My belief is that no movie, nothing in life, leaves people neutral. You either leave them up or you leave them down. ”

- David Puttnam

“ My belief is that no movie, nothing in life, leaves people neutral. You either leave them up or you leave them down. ”

- David Puttnam

“ My belief is that no movie, nothing in life, leaves people neutral. You either leave them up or you leave them down. ”

- David Puttnam

“ My belief is that no movie, nothing in life, leaves people neutral. You either leave them up or you leave them down. ”

- David Puttnam
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