Quotes of David Kelley - somelinesforyou

“ This is crucial, we need consumers to hang in there in order for the economy to snap back. ”

- David Kelley

“ Benevolence is a commitment to achieving the values derivable from life with other people in society, by treating them as potential trading partners, recognizing their humanity, independence, and individuality, and the harmony between their interests and ours. ”

- David Kelley

“ Bright lights cast dark shadows when shone from only one direction. ”

- David Kelley

“ This is crucial, we need consumers to hang in there in order for the economy to snap back. ”

- David Kelley

“ This is crucial, we need consumers to hang in there in order for the economy to snap back. ”

- David Kelley

“ Benevolence is a commitment to achieving the values derivable from life with other people in society, by treating them as potential trading partners, recognizing their humanity, independence, and individuality, and the harmony between their interests and ours. ”

- David Kelley

“ We discovered that the series really wants to be a comedy more than a drama. ”

- David Kelley

“ The rational individualist is not the enemy of benevolence or civility, but their truest exemplar. ”

- David Kelley

“ Bright lights cast dark shadows when shone from only one direction. ”

- David Kelley

“ Chemistry is not anything an executive producer or writer can orchestrate or plan; you just hope for it. ”

- David Kelley

“ The designer… has a passion for doing something that fits somebody's needs, but that is not just a simple fix. The designer has a dream that goes beyond what exists, rather than fixing what exists… the designer wants to create a solution that fits in a deeper situational or social sense. ”

- David Kelley

“ Chemistry is not anything an executive producer or writer can orchestrate or plan; you just hope for it. ”

- David Kelley

“ Bright lights cast dark shadows when shone from only one direction. ”

- David Kelley

“ Bright lights cast dark shadows when shone from only one direction. ”

- David Kelley

“ Evaluation and judgment are responses to what exists, sorting the things that pass before us into categories of good, bad, and indifferent. But a rational life, the life of a valuer, does not consist essentially in reaction. It consists in action. Man does not find his values, like the other animals; he creates them… ”

- David Kelley

“ Evaluation and judgment are responses to what exists, sorting the things that pass before us into categories of good, bad, and indifferent. But a rational life, the life of a valuer, does not consist essentially in reaction. It consists in action. Man does not find his values, like the other animals; he creates them… ”

- David Kelley

“ Evaluation and judgment are responses to what exists, sorting the things that pass before us into categories of good, bad, and indifferent. But a rational life, the life of a valuer, does not consist essentially in reaction. It consists in action. Man does not find his values, like the other animals; he creates them… ”

- David Kelley

“ The designer… has a passion for doing something that fits somebody's needs, but that is not just a simple fix. The designer has a dream that goes beyond what exists, rather than fixing what exists… the designer wants to create a solution that fits in a deeper situational or social sense. ”

- David Kelley

“ This is crucial, we need consumers to hang in there in order for the economy to snap back. ”

- David Kelley

“ The designer… has a passion for doing something that fits somebody's needs, but that is not just a simple fix. The designer has a dream that goes beyond what exists, rather than fixing what exists… the designer wants to create a solution that fits in a deeper situational or social sense. ”

- David Kelley

“ We discovered that the series really wants to be a comedy more than a drama. ”

- David Kelley

“ Chemistry is not anything an executive producer or writer can orchestrate or plan; you just hope for it. ”

- David Kelley

“ We do not see design as a discipline, but as a way of life. We hope we can teach our students to have confidence in a methodology of how to innovate routinely. ”

- David Kelley

“ Bright lights cast dark shadows when shone from only one direction. ”

- David Kelley

“ This is crucial, we need consumers to hang in there in order for the economy to snap back. ”

- David Kelley

“ We discovered that the series really wants to be a comedy more than a drama. ”

- David Kelley

“ We discovered that the series really wants to be a comedy more than a drama. ”

- David Kelley

“ Bright lights cast dark shadows when shone from only one direction. ”

- David Kelley

“ Benevolence is a commitment to achieving the values derivable from life with other people in society, by treating them as potential trading partners, recognizing their humanity, independence, and individuality, and the harmony between their interests and ours. ”

- David Kelley

“ Bright lights cast dark shadows when shone from only one direction. ”

- David Kelley
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