Quotes of Dave Chappelle - somelinesforyou

“ You know you must be doing something right if old people like you. ”

- Dave Chappelle

“ Fame for me is like a place, a country I’m taking a tour through. ”

- Dave Chappelle

“ They say love is more important than money…Have you tried paying your bills with a hug? ”

- Dave Chappelle

“ They say love is more important than money…Have you tried paying your bills with a hug? ”

- Dave Chappelle

“ I was doing sketches that were funny, but socially irresponsible. It was encouraged. ”

- Dave Chappelle

“ I was doing sketches that were funny, but socially irresponsible. It was encouraged. ”

- Dave Chappelle

“ I think every group of black guys should have at least one white guy in it. ”

- Dave Chappelle

“ I was doing sketches that were funny, but socially irresponsible. It was encouraged. ”

- Dave Chappelle

“ I still think people do have racial hang-ups, but I think one of the reasons I can joke about it is people are shedding those racial hatreds. ”

- Dave Chappelle

“ I still think people do have racial hang-ups, but I think one of the reasons I can joke about it is people are shedding those racial hatreds. ”

- Dave Chappelle

“ I think every group of black guys should have at least one white guy in it. ”

- Dave Chappelle

“ I still think people do have racial hang-ups, but I think one of the reasons I can joke about it is people are shedding those racial hatreds. ”

- Dave Chappelle

“ I think every group of black guys should have at least one white guy in it. ”

- Dave Chappelle

“ I still think people do have racial hang-ups, but I think one of the reasons I can joke about it is people are shedding those racial hatreds. ”

- Dave Chappelle

“ I still think people do have racial hang-ups, but I think one of the reasons I can joke about it is people are shedding those racial hatreds. ”

- Dave Chappelle

“ I think every group of black guys should have at least one white guy in it. ”

- Dave Chappelle
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