Quotes of Conan O’Brien - somelinesforyou

“ It’s not easy, but if you accept your misfortune and handle it right, your perceived failure can become a catalyst for profound reinvention. ”

- Conan O’Brien

“ The first thing men notice about a woman is her eyes. Then, when her eyes aren’t looking, they notice her breasts. ”

- Conan O’Brien

“ The first thing men notice about a woman is her eyes. Then, when her eyes aren’t looking, they notice her breasts. ”

- Conan O’Brien

“ John Travolta said he sometimes lets his friends take control of his airplane even though they don't know what they're doing. Then Travolta said he often does the same thing with his career. ”

- Conan O’Brien

“ John Travolta said he sometimes lets his friends take control of his airplane even though they don't know what they're doing. Then Travolta said he often does the same thing with his career. ”

- Conan O’Brien

“ In West Virginia yesterday, a man was arrested for stealing several blow-up dolls. Reportedly, police didn't have any trouble catching the man because he was completely out of breath. ”

- Conan O’Brien

“ John Travolta said he sometimes lets his friends take control of his airplane even though they don't know what they're doing. Then Travolta said he often does the same thing with his career. ”

- Conan O’Brien

“ John Travolta said he sometimes lets his friends take control of his airplane even though they don't know what they're doing. Then Travolta said he often does the same thing with his career. ”

- Conan O’Brien

“ John Travolta said he sometimes lets his friends take control of his airplane even though they don't know what they're doing. Then Travolta said he often does the same thing with his career. ”

- Conan O’Brien

“ In West Virginia yesterday, a man was arrested for stealing several blow-up dolls. Reportedly, police didn't have any trouble catching the man because he was completely out of breath. ”

- Conan O’Brien

“ In West Virginia yesterday, a man was arrested for stealing several blow-up dolls. Reportedly, police didn't have any trouble catching the man because he was completely out of breath. ”

- Conan O’Brien
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