Quotes of Bryan White - somelinesforyou

“ We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public. ”

- Bryan White

“ We can't wait to have him back. We're so used to having him. Ahmad is a super athlete. ”

- Bryan White

“ Please be aware of these school buses. They're very large. They're very bright. ”

- Bryan White

“ It's one of those things where we're not allowed to talk about injuries, it's a mystery to us. Whether we get him back this week or next week, we can't wait. ”

- Bryan White

“ Please be aware of these school buses. They're very large. They're very bright. ”

- Bryan White

“ We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public! ”

- Bryan White

“ Please be aware of these school buses. They're very large. They're very bright. ”

- Bryan White

“ We can't wait to have him back. We're so used to having him. Ahmad is a super athlete. ”

- Bryan White

“ It's one of those things where we're not allowed to talk about injuries, it's a mystery to us. Whether we get him back this week or next week, we can't wait. ”

- Bryan White

“ We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public! ”

- Bryan White

“ We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public! ”

- Bryan White
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