Quotes of Bryan Waller Proctor - somelinesforyou

“ Shadows fall on even the brightest hours. ”

- Bryan Waller Proctor

“ Shadows fall on even the brightest hours. ”

- Bryan Waller Proctor

“ Most writers steal a good thing when they can, and when 'Tis safely got 'Tis worth the winning. The worst of 't is we now and then detect em, they ever dream that we suspect em. ”

- Bryan Waller Proctor

“ Most writers steal a good thing when they can, and when 'Tis safely got 'Tis worth the winning. The worst of 't is we now and then detect em, they ever dream that we suspect em. ”

- Bryan Waller Proctor

“ Shadows fall on even the brightest hours. ”

- Bryan Waller Proctor

“ Most writers steal a good thing when they can, and when 'Tis safely got 'Tis worth the winning. The worst of 't is we now and then detect em, they ever dream that we suspect em. ”

- Bryan Waller Proctor

“ Most writers steal a good thing when they can, and when 'Tis safely got 'Tis worth the winning. The worst of 't is we now and then detect em, they ever dream that we suspect em. ”

- Bryan Waller Proctor

“ Shadows fall on even the brightest hours. ”

- Bryan Waller Proctor

“ Most writers steal a good thing when they can, and when 'Tis safely got 'Tis worth the winning. The worst of 't is we now and then detect em, they ever dream that we suspect em. ”

- Bryan Waller Proctor

“ Most writers steal a good thing when they can, and when 'Tis safely got 'Tis worth the winning. The worst of 't is we now and then detect em, they ever dream that we suspect em. ”

- Bryan Waller Proctor

“ Most writers steal a good thing when they can, and when 'Tis safely got 'Tis worth the winning. The worst of 't is we now and then detect em, they ever dream that we suspect em. ”

- Bryan Waller Proctor

“ Most writers steal a good thing when they can, and when 'Tis safely got 'Tis worth the winning. The worst of 't is we now and then detect em, they ever dream that we suspect em. ”

- Bryan Waller Proctor
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