Quotes of Brooke Burns - somelinesforyou

“ I'm a Southern girl. I like when they open the door and pull out a chair. I'm really into a man's man. ”

- Brooke Burns

“ I love being a single mom. But it's definitely different when you're dating. ”

- Brooke Burns

“ I'm a Southern girl. I like when they open the door and pull out a chair. I'm really into a man's man. ”

- Brooke Burns

“ I love being a single mom. But it's definitely different when you're dating. ”

- Brooke Burns

“ I'm a Southern girl. I like when they open the door and pull out a chair. I'm really into a man's man. ”

- Brooke Burns

“ I'm a Southern girl. I like when they open the door and pull out a chair. I'm really into a man's man. ”

- Brooke Burns

“ I'm a Southern girl. I like when they open the door and pull out a chair. I'm really into a man's man. ”

- Brooke Burns

“ Single White Female 2. ”

- Brooke Burns

“ I love being a single mom. But it's definitely different when you're dating. ”

- Brooke Burns

“ Single White Female 2. ”

- Brooke Burns

“ Single White Female 2. ”

- Brooke Burns

“ I'm a Southern girl. I like when they open the door and pull out a chair. I'm really into a man's man. ”

- Brooke Burns

“ Single White Female 2. ”

- Brooke Burns

“ Single White Female 2. ”

- Brooke Burns

“ I'm a Southern girl. I like when they open the door and pull out a chair. I'm really into a man's man. ”

- Brooke Burns

“ I was a virgin until I was 18, and then my first - if I told you who my first was you would really have a heart attack. ”

- Brooke Burns

“ I was a virgin until I was 18, and then my first - if I told you who my first was you would really have a heart attack. ”

- Brooke Burns
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