Quotes of Booth Tarkington - somelinesforyou

“ Cherish all your happy moments; they make a fine cushion for old age. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ When the song was ended, he struck the rail he leaned upon a sharp blow with his open hand. There swept over him a feeling that he had stood precisely where he stood now, on such a night, a thousand years ago, had heard that voice and that song, had listened and been moved by the song, and the night, just as he was moved now. He had long known himself for a sentimentalist; he had almost given up trying to cure himself. And he knew himself for a born lover; he had always been in love with some one. In his earlier youth his affections had been so constantly inconstant that he finally came to settle with his selfrespect by recognizing in himself a fine constancy that worshipped one woman always — it was only the shifting image of her that changed! Somewhere (he dreamed, whimsically indulgent of the fancy; yet mocking himself for it) there was a girl whom he had never seen, who waited till he should come. She was Everything. Until he found her, he could not help adoring others who possessed little pieces and suggestions of her — her brilliancy, her courage, her short upper lip, “like a curled roseleaf,” or her dear voice, or her pure profile. He had no recollection of any lady who had quite her eyes. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ When the song was ended, he struck the rail he leaned upon a sharp blow with his open hand. There swept over him a feeling that he had stood precisely where he stood now, on such a night, a thousand years ago, had heard that voice and that song, had listened and been moved by the song, and the night, just as he was moved now. He had long known himself for a sentimentalist; he had almost given up trying to cure himself. And he knew himself for a born lover; he had always been in love with some one. In his earlier youth his affections had been so constantly inconstant that he finally came to settle with his selfrespect by recognizing in himself a fine constancy that worshipped one woman always — it was only the shifting image of her that changed! Somewhere (he dreamed, whimsically indulgent of the fancy; yet mocking himself for it) there was a girl whom he had never seen, who waited till he should come. She was Everything. Until he found her, he could not help adoring others who possessed little pieces and suggestions of her — her brilliancy, her courage, her short upper lip, “like a curled roseleaf,” or her dear voice, or her pure profile. He had no recollection of any lady who had quite her eyes. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ But from their first word of him, from the message that he was found and was alive, none of the people of Carlow had really doubted it. They are simple country people, and they know that God is good. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ All at once the anger ran out of John Harkless; he was a hard man for anger to tarry with. And in place of it a strong sense of homecoming began to take possession of him. He was going home. “Back to Plattville, where I belong,” he had said; and he said it again without bitterness, for it was the truth. “Every man cometh to his own place in the end.” Yes, as one leaves a gay acquaintance of the playhouse lobby for some hardhanded, tried old friend, so he would wave the outer world Godspeed and come back to the old ways of Carlow. What though the years were dusty, he had his friends and his memories and his old black brier pipe. He had a girl’s picture that he should carry in his heart till his last day; and if his life was sadder, it was infinitely richer for it. His winter fireside should be not so lonely for her sake; and losing her, he lost not everything, for he had the rare blessing of having known her. And what man could wish to be healed of such a hurt? Far better to have had it than to trot a smug pace unscathed. He had been a dullard; he had lain prostrate in the wretchedness of his loss. “A girl you could put in your hat — and there you have a strong man prone.” He had been a sluggard, weary of himself, unfit to fight, a failure in life and a failure in love. That was ended; he was tired of failing, and it was time to succeed for a while. To accept the worst that Fate can deal, and to wring courage from it instead of despair, that is success; and it was the success that he would have. He would take Fate by the neck. But had it done him unkindness? He looked out over the beautiful, “monotonous” landscape, and he answered heartily, “No!” There was ignorance in man, but no unkindness; were man utterly wise he were utterly kind. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ Arguments only confirm people in their own opinions. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ Gossip is never fatal, Georgie," he said, "until it is denied. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ People will forget almost any slander except one that's been fought. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ Life and money both behave like loose quicksilver in a nest of cracks. And when they're gone we can't tell where — or what the devil we did with 'em! ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ Cherish all your happy moments; they make a fine cushion for old age. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ Gossip is never fatal, Georgie," he said, "until it is denied. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ People will forget almost any slander except one that's been fought. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ Life and money both behave like loose quicksilver in a nest of cracks. And when they're gone we can't tell where — or what the devil we did with 'em! ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ Gossip is never fatal, Georgie," he said, "until it is denied. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ People will forget almost any slander except one that's been fought. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ One of the hardest conditions of boyhood is the almost continuous strain put upon the powers of invention by the constant and harassing necessity for explanations of every natural act. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ He had not yet learned that the only safe male rebuke to a scornful female is to stay away from her — especially if that is what she desires. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ Destiny has a constant passion for the incongruous. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ Most of the houses of the Midland town were of a pleasant architecture. They lacked style, but also lacked pretentiousness, and whatever does not pretend at all has style enough. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ The only good in pretending is the fun we get out of fooling ourselves that we fool somebody. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ An ideal wife is any woman who has an ideal husband.'. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ Cherish all your happy moments; they make a fine cushion for old age. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ Cherish all your happy moments; they make a fine cushion for old age. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ There are two things that will be believed of any man whatsoever, and one of them is that he has taken to drink. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ People will forget almost any slander except one that's been fought. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ The only good in pretending is the fun we get out of fooling ourselves that we fool somebody. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ There are two things that will be believed of any man whatsoever, and one of them is that he has taken to drink. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ People will forget almost any slander except one that's been fought. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ Gossip is never fatal, Georgie," he said, "until it is denied. ”

- Booth Tarkington

“ There are two things that will be believed of any man whatsoever, and one of them is that he has taken to drink. ”

- Booth Tarkington
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