Quotes of Bonnie Blair - somelinesforyou

“ I don’t fear anything. ”

- Bonnie Blair

“ There is no man in any rank who is always at liberty to act as he would incline. In some quarter or other he is limited by circumstances. ”

- Bonnie Blair

“ There is no man in any rank who is always at liberty to act as he would incline. In some quarter or other he is limited by circumstances. ”

- Bonnie Blair

“ The sport I love has taken me around the world and shown me many things. ”

- Bonnie Blair

“ My parents put skates on me at age 2, the way it should be if you're serious, and I've always liked it. ”

- Bonnie Blair

“ There is no man in any rank who is always at liberty to act as he would incline. In some quarter or other he is limited by circumstances. ”

- Bonnie Blair

“ There is no man in any rank who is always at liberty to act as he would incline. In some quarter or other he is limited by circumstances. ”

- Bonnie Blair

“ It doesn't matter what anybody thinks of what I do. The clock doesn't lie. ”

- Bonnie Blair

“ My parents put skates on me at age 2, the way it should be if you're serious, and I've always liked it. ”

- Bonnie Blair

“ There is no man in any rank who is always at liberty to act as he would incline. In some quarter or other he is limited by circumstances. ”

- Bonnie Blair

“ My parents put skates on me at age 2, the way it should be if you're serious, and I've always liked it. ”

- Bonnie Blair

“ My parents put skates on me at age 2, the way it should be if you're serious, and I've always liked it. ”

- Bonnie Blair
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