Quotes of Boerhaave - somelinesforyou

“ False rumors are sparks, which if you do not blow them, will go out of themselves; they have, perhaps, been better compared to volcanic explosions, of which the lighter portions are dispersed by the winds, while the heavier fall back into the mouth whence they were ejected. ”

- Boerhaave

“ False rumors are sparks, which if you do not blow them, will go out of themselves; they have, perhaps, been better compared to volcanic explosions, of which the lighter portions are dispersed by the winds, while the heavier fall back into the mouth whence they were ejected. ”

- Boerhaave

“ False rumors are sparks, which if you do not blow them, will go out of themselves; they have, perhaps, been better compared to volcanic explosions, of which the lighter portions are dispersed by the winds, while the heavier fall back into the mouth whence they were ejected. ”

- Boerhaave

“ The great seal of truth is simplicity. ”

- Boerhaave

“ The surest method against scandal is to live it down by perseverance in well doing. ”

- Boerhaave

“ My poor are my best patients. God pays for them. ”

- Boerhaave

“ False rumors are sparks, which if you do not blow them, will go out of themselves; they have, perhaps, been better compared to volcanic explosions, of which the lighter portions are dispersed by the winds, while the heavier fall back into the mouth whence they were ejected. ”

- Boerhaave

“ My poor are my best patients. God pays for them. ”

- Boerhaave

“ The surest method against scandal is to live it down by perseverance in well doing. ”

- Boerhaave

“ The great seal of truth is simplicity. ”

- Boerhaave

“ The great seal of truth is simplicity. ”

- Boerhaave

“ The surest method against scandal is to live it down by perseverance in well doing. ”

- Boerhaave

“ The great seal of truth is simplicity. ”

- Boerhaave
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