Quotes of Bart Laws - somelinesforyou

“ The Latino people of the Southwest are not immigrants. They never crossed the border — the border crossed them when the United States seized what is now Arizona, New Mexico, and California from Mexico in a war of conquest. Through a more complicated chain of events, Texas also became part of the U… ”

- Bart Laws

“ The Latino people of the Southwest are not immigrants. They never crossed the border — the border crossed them when the United States seized what is now Arizona, New Mexico, and California from Mexico in a war of conquest. Through a more complicated chain of events, Texas also became part of the U… ”

- Bart Laws

“ The Latino people of the Southwest are not immigrants. They never crossed the border — the border crossed them when the United States seized what is now Arizona, New Mexico, and California from Mexico in a war of conquest. Through a more complicated chain of events, Texas also became part of the U… ”

- Bart Laws

“ The Latino people of the Southwest are not immigrants. They never crossed the border — the border crossed them when the United States seized what is now Arizona, New Mexico, and California from Mexico in a war of conquest. Through a more complicated chain of events, Texas also became part of the U… ”

- Bart Laws

“ The Latino people of the Southwest are not immigrants. They never crossed the border — the border crossed them when the United States seized what is now Arizona, New Mexico, and California from Mexico in a war of conquest. Through a more complicated chain of events, Texas also became part of the U… ”

- Bart Laws

“ The Latino people of the Southwest are not immigrants. They never crossed the border — the border crossed them when the United States seized what is now Arizona, New Mexico, and California from Mexico in a war of conquest. Through a more complicated chain of events, Texas also became part of the U… ”

- Bart Laws

“ The Latino people of the Southwest are not immigrants. They never crossed the border — the border crossed them when the United States seized what is now Arizona, New Mexico, and California from Mexico in a war of conquest. Through a more complicated chain of events, Texas also became part of the U… ”

- Bart Laws

“ The Latino people of the Southwest are not immigrants. They never crossed the border — the border crossed them when the United States seized what is now Arizona, New Mexico, and California from Mexico in a war of conquest. Through a more complicated chain of events, Texas also became part of the U… ”

- Bart Laws

“ The Latino people of the Southwest are not immigrants. They never crossed the border — the border crossed them when the United States seized what is now Arizona, New Mexico, and California from Mexico in a war of conquest. Through a more complicated chain of events, Texas also became part of the U… ”

- Bart Laws

“ The Latino people of the Southwest are not immigrants. They never crossed the border — the border crossed them when the United States seized what is now Arizona, New Mexico, and California from Mexico in a war of conquest. Through a more complicated chain of events, Texas also became part of the U… ”

- Bart Laws

“ The Latino people of the Southwest are not immigrants. They never crossed the border — the border crossed them when the United States seized what is now Arizona, New Mexico, and California from Mexico in a war of conquest. Through a more complicated chain of events, Texas also became part of the U… ”

- Bart Laws

“ The Latino people of the Southwest are not immigrants. They never crossed the border — the border crossed them when the United States seized what is now Arizona, New Mexico, and California from Mexico in a war of conquest. Through a more complicated chain of events, Texas also became part of the U… ”

- Bart Laws

“ The Latino people of the Southwest are not immigrants. They never crossed the border — the border crossed them when the United States seized what is now Arizona, New Mexico, and California from Mexico in a war of conquest. Through a more complicated chain of events, Texas also became part of the U… ”

- Bart Laws

“ The Latino people of the Southwest are not immigrants. They never crossed the border — the border crossed them when the United States seized what is now Arizona, New Mexico, and California from Mexico in a war of conquest. Through a more complicated chain of events, Texas also became part of the U… ”

- Bart Laws
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