Quotes of Barry Cornwall - somelinesforyou

“ Oh, the summer night Has a smile of light And she sits on a sapphire throne. ”

- Barry Cornwall

“ I never was on the dull, tame shore, But I loved the great sea more and more. ”

- Barry Cornwall

“ Oh, the summer night Has a smile of light And she sits on a sapphire throne. ”

- Barry Cornwall

“ Death is the tyrant of the imagination. ”

- Barry Cornwall

“ Death is the tyrant of the imagination. ”

- Barry Cornwall

“ Death is the tyrant of the imagination. ”

- Barry Cornwall

“ Death is the tyrant of the imagination. ”

- Barry Cornwall

“ Death is the tyrant of the imagination. ”

- Barry Cornwall

“ Oh, the summer night Has a smile of light And she sits on a sapphire throne. ”

- Barry Cornwall

“ Oh, the summer night Has a smile of light And she sits on a sapphire throne. ”

- Barry Cornwall

“ Half the ills we heard within our hearts are ills because we hoard them. ”

- Barry Cornwall

“ Oh, the summer night Has a smile of light And she sits on a sapphire throne. ”

- Barry Cornwall

“ Oh, the summer night Has a smile of light And she sits on a sapphire throne. ”

- Barry Cornwall

“ All round the room my silent servants wait, My friends in every season, bright and dim. ”

- Barry Cornwall

“ Oh, the summer night Has a smile of light And she sits on a sapphire throne. ”

- Barry Cornwall

“ Half the ills we heard within our hearts are ills because we hoard them. ”

- Barry Cornwall

“ Oh, the summer night Has a smile of light And she sits on a sapphire throne. ”

- Barry Cornwall

“ Death is the tyrant of the imagination. ”

- Barry Cornwall

“ Half the ills we heard within our hearts are ills because we hoard them. ”

- Barry Cornwall
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