Quotes of Arthur Christiansen - somelinesforyou

“ I saw their flat sallow faces, their Sunday-best clothes, their curious capacity for enjoying themselves without displaying any sign of emotion. I saw them all as a challenge. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ We never waste space saying, On the one hand. We just state an opinion in a Godlike voice. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ I saw their flat sallow faces, their Sunday-best clothes, their curious capacity for enjoying themselves without displaying any sign of emotion. I saw them all as a challenge. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ News, news, news-that is what we want. You cannot beat news in a newspaper. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ I saw their flat sallow faces, their Sunday-best clothes, their curious capacity for enjoying themselves without displaying any sign of emotion. I saw them all as a challenge. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ I saw their flat sallow faces, their Sunday-best clothes, their curious capacity for enjoying themselves without displaying any sign of emotion. I saw them all as a challenge. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ We never waste space saying, On the one hand. We just state an opinion in a Godlike voice. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ Good stories flow like honey. Bad stories stick in the craw. A bad story? One that cannot be absorbed on the first time of reading. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ Good stories flow like honey. Bad stories stick in the craw. A bad story? One that cannot be absorbed on the first time of reading. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ I saw their flat sallow faces, their Sunday-best clothes, their curious capacity for enjoying themselves without displaying any sign of emotion. I saw them all as a challenge. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ We never waste space saying, On the one hand. We just state an opinion in a Godlike voice. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ Good stories flow like honey. Bad stories stick in the craw. A bad story? One that cannot be absorbed on the first time of reading. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ I saw their flat sallow faces, their Sunday-best clothes, their curious capacity for enjoying themselves without displaying any sign of emotion. I saw them all as a challenge. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ We never waste space saying, On the one hand. We just state an opinion in a Godlike voice. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ We never waste space saying, On the one hand. We just state an opinion in a Godlike voice. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ Good stories flow like honey. Bad stories stick in the craw. A bad story? One that cannot be absorbed on the first time of reading. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ We never waste space saying, On the one hand. We just state an opinion in a Godlike voice. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ Good stories flow like honey. Bad stories stick in the craw. A bad story? One that cannot be absorbed on the first time of reading. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ News, news, news-that is what we want. You cannot beat news in a newspaper. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ News, news, news-that is what we want. You cannot beat news in a newspaper. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ Good stories flow like honey. Bad stories stick in the craw. A bad story? One that cannot be absorbed on the first time of reading. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ News, news, news-that is what we want. You cannot beat news in a newspaper. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ News, news, news-that is what we want. You cannot beat news in a newspaper. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ News, news, news-that is what we want. You cannot beat news in a newspaper. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ News, news, news-that is what we want. You cannot beat news in a newspaper. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ News, news, news-that is what we want. You cannot beat news in a newspaper. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ News, news, news-that is what we want. You cannot beat news in a newspaper. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ Good stories flow like honey. Bad stories stick in the craw. A bad story? One that cannot be absorbed on the first time of reading. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ I saw their flat sallow faces, their Sunday-best clothes, their curious capacity for enjoying themselves without displaying any sign of emotion. I saw them all as a challenge. ”

- Arthur Christiansen

“ I saw their flat sallow faces, their Sunday-best clothes, their curious capacity for enjoying themselves without displaying any sign of emotion. I saw them all as a challenge. ”

- Arthur Christiansen
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