Quotes of Charles Garfield


The fact is, the difference between peak performers and everybody else are much smaller than everybody else thinks.

- Charles Garfield

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“ We cannot have a world where everyone is a victim. "I'm this way because my father made me this way. I'm this way because my husband made me this way." Yes, we are indeed formed by traumas that happen to us. But then you must take charge, you must take over, you are responsible. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ Being with you never felt wrong. It's the one thing I did right. You're the one thing I did right. ”

- Becca Fitzpatrick

“ Her footprints are leaving green marks on the desert heart of mine ”

- Ismaaciil C. Ubax

“ I miss your voice because it is a symphony; your scent because it is a treasure; your smile because it is a jewel; your hug because it is a masterpiece; and your kiss because it is a miracle. ”

- Matshona Dhliwayo

“ A life lived in love will never be dull. ”

- Leo Buscaglia

“ The beautiful thing about love is that you just need to plant it once and nurture it and it shall bloom into blossoms that would cover the valleys. ”

- Hermann J. Steinherr

“ There are times in life which proves life is wife and wife is life. ”

- Fahad Basheer

“ Yet there are moments when the walls of the mind grow thin; when nothing is unabsorbed, and I could fancy that we might blow so vast a bubble that the sun might set and rise in it and we might take the blue of midday and the black of midnight and be cast off and escape from here and now. ”

- Virginia Woolf

“ You are like nobody since I love you. ”

- Pablo Neruda

“ Never apologize for burning too brightly or collapsing into yourself every night. That is how galaxies are made. ”

- Tyler Kent White

“ Repentance is not at an end, Instead it’s the beginning of how it ends. ”

- Yeth Bisto

“ Keep in mind that three months worth of sowing equals three months of reaping at harvest, Remember not to stop sowing your fields in all ways in life after the first three months as its easy to feel good and live off of the fields already sowed but like a meat grinder the stock will eventually run out ”

- James D Wilson

“ I hope she'll be a fool that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool. ”

- F. Scott Fitzgerald

“ Anyone who stops learning is old, whether twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing you can do is keep your mind young. ”

- Mark Twain

“ To love oneself is the beginning of a life long romance. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ Accepting personal responsibility for your life frees you from outside influences – increases your selfesteem – boosts confidence in your ability to decisions – and ultimately leads to achieve success in life. ”

- Roy T. Bennett

“ Love is blind; friendship closes its eyes. ”

- Friedrich Nietzsche

“ I know that the whole point—the only point—is to find the things that matter, and hold on to them, and fight for them, and refuse to let them go. ”

- Lauren Oliver

“ Love is like a brick. You can build a house, or you can sink a dead body. ”

- Lady Gaga

“ A bad attitude is like a flat tire, you can’t get very far until you change it. ”

- Unknown

“ Willingness to show we are interested in our children’s needs takes the burden and worries off their minds. It shows compassion on our end, and it builds trust on their end. ”

- Charlena E. Jackson

“ That which we persist in doing becomes easier to do, not that the nature of the thing has changed but that our power to do has increased. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ Battered was my heart in the deep search, branded with cracks like slices of silver birch. An ignorant dream, a wish, just fool's gold that was the tale that love had sold. ”

- Sara Secora

“ A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, and another woman makes a fool of him in twenty minutes. ”

- Robert Frost

“ When you know my love, my love will warm you. ”

- Ruby Dee