Quotes of Zealander - somelinesforyou

“ As New Zealanders, we've been in on the United Nations from the very beginning, played a role in the drafting of the charter - it means a lot to us that those processes are followed. ”

- Helen Clark

“ I accept that simply talking about the problem of child abuse will not make a substantial difference, but I hope that the combined effort of so many New Zealanders such as yourselves, with some assistance from me and other influential people, might make noticeable inroads into reducing the risks that so many of our children face. ”

- Silvia Cartwright

“ World events have overshadowed a great deal of what has happened in our country but today, as every year at Waitangi Day, we stop to look at ourselves as New Zealanders and where we find ourselves as a nation. ”

- Silvia Cartwright
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